
Why should i allow her to have a relationship?

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my wife is working abroad.few later months she meet a very nice guy and she begin to like this guy. And this guy shows interest at her. She ask my permission if she can have a relationship just to ease her loneliness. And this is only while she is far from us.




  1. NO  marriages can be lonely but that isn't permission to commit adultery. My hubby was in the Navy I missed him very much and was lonely but I wouldn't even think of such a thing.

  2. are you serious. . . loneliness can find in looking for another relationship. . .

  3. You shouldn't allow her. I'm guessing you are foreign, because your case is a bit unusual. You guys are married.

  4. LOL.

    This is ridiculous.

    Obviously NOT! Tell the S****y wife of yours to give you a divorce, ASAP.

  5. Wow selfish or what. Does she consider that you too are lonely and staying faithful or does she suggest that you s***w around too.

  6.    You shouldn't, but you do need to be helping her to feel less lonely.  E mail frequently.  Call her on a regular basis.  If you can afford it, fly abroad and visit her.  And I am a big fan of the old fashioned love letter.  Show her your devotion.  I'm sure you are lonely without her, so you can understand how she is feeling.

  7. She's already having a relationship with him. She asked if it would be okay hoping you would say yes so she could stop feeling guilty about it. Mail her walking papers to her.

  8. sure.. if you let her with other guys..... I bet you want to  have ur relationship with other woman.. lol..


  9. Us - as in children and you?

    Tell her yes, she is free to have that relationship. You take the kids and sue her for child support.  

  10. WTF??? if i were you i would just devorce her already i mean she's away for work not to have an affair so dont let her and that is so freakin wrong of her to even consider or think if she should have an relationship with a guy and she has a husband if you where her bf it would still is wrong let alone your her husband...what kind of woman is this??

  11. Love and marriage is a two way street. The person you are married to should love and respect you. Apparently your wife doesn't. To prevent her from giving you strange diseases, let her charge money to this guy oand/or his friends to help you find a soul mate you can live with.

  12. LOL no, of course not, you guys are married

  13. dont let her.

    then she will leave you

  14. if you don't want to lose her ... encourage her not to.

    Maybe go and see her, stay with her if at all possible.

  15. Are you kidding me?!!!  Of course, not...have you both forgotten your wedding vows?  Honestly, do YOU have a girl on the side?  It seems like you're BOTH justifying your adulterous behavior...If I'm mistaken on your side, i apologize but just because she's putting the food on the table doesn't necessarily mean, she can walk all over you.  Come on, man!  Get a backbone!  Tell her, NO WAY!  My mom's friends left their husbands (at least 3 of them) bec. of the same situation you're in now.  Honestly, what are the odds of her coming back to you if you let this happen?  She'll drop you like a hot potato and will stop sending you money.  Tell her how much you love her and how much it'll hurt if she breaks her vows, and keep the marriage alive by being sweet, thoughtful, and loving to her.  Make her forget that awful man.  Take your wife and save her from committing one of the 10 commandments...let her know, she'll burn in h**l (in a nice way, of course)  Hope this saves you...

  16. She asks you for permission to make a friend.

    I've heard of everything...............that would be

    the day I ask my husband for permission

    to make friends..............Pathetic

  17. Do you have a brain injury or something???? Tell her to s***w away but to think of you!!!!!!

  18. wow...haha, id have dropped her soon as she asked...

    what a b*tch to have the nerve to suggest something like that.

    leave her and tell her she can have as much fun as she wants now.

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