I am the mother of 2 girls, one is 3yrs and is blind, autistic and mentally handicapped and a just learned to walk and talk 1 year old.they are drastically different and my one yr old is very good and easy to handle. my 3 yr old is difficult because we have a system of words, phrases, or even tones to help her understand her surroundings, i have taught her almost like a dog to stop, turn around, step carefully, reach out, and most important DANGER. when i use these methods other parents stare at me like im screaming at her or treating her badly because i wont baby her if she falls. there are plenty of times when i have to use the danger tone and the word stop which will make her freeze back up and feel with caution until i reach her....sometimes i have to spank her if she does not obey,its for her safety and obedience. she has learned that each word or tone means something,ne way i cant xplain to people without confusing them, especially my neighbors,i dont know what to