
Why should i cool down?

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i run half a mile everyday and straight after i sit down nd watch tv nd i no i should cool down cause today i felt the downside.

but y should i cool down nd how can i cool down.

xx thanks for the help in advance XX




  1. Part of your run should consist of warming up jog - the middle part should consist of the run itself & the latter part should consist of a slowing down part. Try walking the last bit to slow down. That way, your body won't feel the sudden affect of you stopping exercising.

  2. You should also warm up!

    You should cool down to stretch your muscles and slow down your heart rate.

    You can cool down by doing yoga-like stretches, drinking a glass of water and you could try walking before you stop. That way your body isn't just stopping after running at speed.

    I usually walk before I run, and I walk before I return home.

  3. When you warm up before your run you reduce muscle stiffness,Increase blood flow through the tissue and get them ready for intense situations.

    When you cool down you  get rid of waste products in the tissue( lactic acid) which causes muscle soreness, plus you reduce the pooling of blood in your extremities, and help muscles to relax, realign your muscle fibres

  4. When your run you warm your muscles and they stretch and become more flexible.

    If you don't do a cool down, like walk for another few minutes or stretch your limbs, they can cramp and hurt really bad. They can also tear if you're not careful. When your muscles just stop after exercise they'll tense up really quickly because they haven't been properly worked back to a relaxed state.

    You can cool down while sitting and watching TV. Sit on your butt and touch your toes with your fingertips or as far as you can reach until you feel a pull. Also you can sit on your heels and spread your legs and reach with your hands into the middle as far as you can.

    Also put your legs out straight on the floor, then cross one over the other. Grab your bent knee and hug it close to your chest.

    Do each of these for 20 seconds each.

    All these are very simple and effective. Just a few. If you want more e-mail me!!

    Good luck!!

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