
Why should i respect the elderly

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why should i respect the elderly




  1. what kind of question is that? why shouldnt u??

    u should respect everyone, one day u will be older as well and u will want ppl to show u respect

  2. My answer is because you should but when you say its for an assignment thats really got me thinking. They have been around along time and its thanks to them that we are even here.Not only because they fought in wars for the freedom of the country we live in but they also are our parents and grandparents without them we would not physically be here. They have also worked to make the country and our towns and cities what they are. Their working lives have achieved the foundations that we have built on in our lives through our own work and our childrens work in the future. Also with age comes wisdom, respect their opinions as they are usually based on their life experiences.

  3. No more than you should respect anyone else including your self.

  4. All people of any and every age deserve respect. If you are referring to just the elderly then you should respect them because they probably lived in harder times and had to work harder for rights and a living than today's average joe.  

  5. dont be mean...u should respect them cause they are old....U dont always have to agree with them but you should be respectful.  One day you will be old too and wouldnt want some kid being rude and disrespectful to you

  6. 1. They have been around for a long time

    2. They have contributed a lot more to this society than us young people

    3. They have helped make this country a good place

    4. We have morals so it is nice to respect people who have problems moving and still live

  7. Strange question, why should anyone respect you? why should anyone help you when a time comes and you truly need help? how would you feel when in constant pain and some fit young person says go to h**l attitude, also one day you will be elderly, may as well just shoot all the elderly as they are just a nuisance hey? these elderly ppl, some went to war for you, many lost fathers and grandfathers for the likes of you who obviously hate older ppl, reckon a lot of dead soldiers would be thinking why did I bother, look at what the younger generation has come to with ppl like you and your attitude. Sadly the elderly are being more and more assaulted, bashed for a few bucks, who by? ppl that don't have any respect for anyone or anything. This is not just you ok, just a generalisation esp when an elderly lady here in West Oz gat bashed for $30 needs both hips replaced now and many months of rehab, what for, because the morons that bashed her had no respect. Hope you have a maturity to change and see elderly ppl not as useless but they contributed to this country, and were young like you at one time

  8. because if you dont you need a slap in the face. its called respect.and everyone should get it,no matter what age

  9. your question is ridiculous,u shauld seek counciling

  10. Well..most of the time they have earned the right to be respected. They are wise and know a lot more than you do. It's just a polite thing to do to everyone. Respect is what everyone wants and it's what they strive to earn in life... which is why the elderly get offended because they have had a long life and for them not to get respect is just rude because they have worked their whole life trying to earn it.

  11. do you believe in the saying that goes this way

    " dont do unto others what you don't want others do unto you"

    its just simple you dont respect they do the same

    if you do bad they do the same

    if you lie they do the same

    and no one will like you

    you will be punished by your own mis dids bieng an ashole is as easy as picking you're nose


    if you die

    no one will take you to the grieve

    co'z you're so mean that even satan will refuse to have you co'z he knows you take his place as the father of all aswholes

    can you dig it?

  12. You probably should because:

    1. other young people will be angry at you if you don't.

    2. it's meant to bring communities together or something like that.

    3. society said you should.

    4. their existence shows that they have already proven themselves to others and don't find a need to prove themselves again to you.

  13. They either created your life or made your life possible.  Each generation helps and leads the generation below it and you should always respect the people that came before you and made your life possible.  Think of all the comforts prior generations gave you by fighting for our rights in wars and creating new technologies such as computers and electronics.  Our society could not be where it is today if the people before us had not been industrious and cared about later generations.

    Do you drive on roads and bridges to get to work?  Do you think they were built yesterday?  Have you ever flown on an airplane (invented in the early 1900's)?  Who took care of you when you were a baby and you were sick?  Who took care of that person so that they could take care of you?

    Have some respect for all that they have done for your parents, your parent's friends, you, your friends, etc.  I'm not saying all elderly people are perfect, but as a whole they have always taken care of you and now it is time for you to respect and take care of them.

  14. Why should i respect the elderly? cause we've been where your at but

    you haven't been where we're at, yet, and we know every trick in the

    book even a few you didn't know we still knew . . .

    Contrary to belief, you can teach an old dog new tricks,

    see to a young

    person caught in the rapture of  invincability growing old is

    like getting

    cancer,  that something that only happens to someone else,


    so much for invincability, lol . . . .

    Over the hill but

    not under it yet,

    Rock On . . .

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