
Why should i take American sign language classes?

by  |  earlier

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i need to write an essay for ASL class and i ran out of reasons




  1. 1. It's a great way to meet new, exciting people who also sign.  When somebody can sign, it makes others who can sign feel comfortable to talk to you.  For example, when you ride a motorcycle, and stop next to another guy riding, acknowledgment takes place 99% of the time.. a simple nod.. to say hello.  It's weird, but it happens all the time.

    2. You can say what you need to say in a noisy environment without screaming your head off!!!  Especially in night clubs!!  A lot of deaf people go to the clubs.

    3. It's good towards credit for foreign language requirements.

    4. It gives you an extra skill that could help you in the workplace.  Bilingual people get paid more because they able to help more than one type of customer (language wise), which means better business.  Being able to sign would fit that bill.

    5. Lastly... because it's awesome!  You can tell people off in front of their faces and they won't be any the wiser hahaha!!

  2. Widen career options to be able to communicate with handicapped in various nursing and psychology fields as well as animal studies (apes have been and can be taught ASL, render you more useful in law enforcement, firefighter and other civil service or community service organizations and perhaps you have friend, relative or  neighbor who is speech and/or hearing impaired. You could offer to teach it to your girl scout or boy scout troop, looks good on a job resume, counts as an additional language skill.

  3. 1.) Widens you career options

    2.) Get to meet new people

    3.) Looks great on college applications

    4.)Is overall fun

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