
Why should i visit Italy?

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Why should i visit Italy?




  1. Because Italy is the best country of the world.

  2. Italy is the most beautiful place in the word with the most beautiful people.  There is so much to see there and so much to take in.  You will love it and want to go back over and over again

  3. because it's FREAKING ITALY!!! that's why!

    seriously, if i could, i'd visit Italy in a heartbeat.  there's NOTHING to think about

  4. For a country that is of size of Arizona, you span across 5000 years of history!

    You can see the roman- bc remains in Rome

    Renaissance period in Florence

    Bazentine culture in Venice- plus the canal ride!

    If you want nature- try Cinque Terre- (5 towns on the sea) or south coast of Capri, Amalfi Coast, Sorrento.

    You can also try Lake Como for nature.

    And yes. not to forget th Tuscan towns!

    My recommendation would be to read Rick Steves book or see his DVDs.

    I loved Italy. I was there for 10 days but couldn't scratch the surface of everything it has to offer!

  5. Because there are 192 nations in this planet and you should visit all of them.

  6. Why? ... Dunno where to start from... Just find out, you wont have regrets.

  7. For many reasons. I went when I was 15 and had a great time...while in Assisi, I declared that someday I will live there.

    In Italy, everywhere you look there is beauty. Though, depending on what kind of person you are everywhere you look there is beauty anyway. But in Italy it's different. I come from a small town in the U.S. and Italy was the first foreign country I ever traveled to. It blew my mind. The architecture is like something out of a dream, the people are incredibly friendly (for the most part) and there is so much history behind every corner.

    Everyone should visit Italy at some point in their life if they can.

  8. Because the people are warm, the food is excellent and there are so many things to see you'll never have time to see them all.

    Italy has so much history and so much culture you could spend your life exploring just one city.

    I suggest Rome, Florence, Ravenna, Venice and Verona.

    If you're trying to avoid places full of turists, try Verona. It still has turists (all Italian cities do) but less, and you can see a colosseum, have insanely good food and visit Juliet's house and the balcony from which she called out to Romeo.

    Ravenna is also beautiful, full of mosaics, beautiful churches and Dante Alighieri's tomb.

    I LOVE the place, I miss it like crazy and you'd be crazy not to go.

  9. because evrythings are beautiful!!!!!!!!

    perchè tutto è bello!!!!!!!

    ciao...from Milan

    p.s you can find mountains,hills,plains,sea,very very small desert in sicily,big city,big lake...

  10. i would got to Rome for 2 or 3 days. Florence for a 1 day, Venice for a day. Naples for a 1-2 days depending on if you want to go to amfli coast if not go to pompii and Mt. Veuivos. I lived in Naples for 3 years and Italy is Awesome and there is so much to do. So much history to see and the food is awesome I miss it so much I wish I could go back.

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