
Why should l continue to go to church?

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when l come to accept Christ eleven years ago, l came with the full idea of changing my life around for the best. l started reading the bible daily (read the bible ten times). started working at missions, and churches and in all honesty, I come to hate working for the church because of a lot of things l have witness to that l know God would not approve of. Mostly preachers misleading the church, stealing from the poor, twisting the word of God around to satisfy people as well as themselves. I am writing a book title the truth shall make me free and one of the reasons l came into yahoo answers, because l wanted to get material for my second book l plan on writing next year. l am one to ask a lot of questions because l believe the only way to really get to know people and life in general is by asking questions. I was once an atheist who tried suicide seven times and even though people may think I'm a nut in which I don't care, I have had conversations with God and no this is not all in my mind. l have witness and seen many of miracles outside the church, miracles l can promise you, scientist do not have an answer for. I had stopped going to church for the fact is, I can worship and praise God any where. As far as the people in the church, no offense, but what in the world would l want to sit in a church building full of hypocrites who play the church roll on sunday and wednesday and as soon as they are out the door, their sheep clothing is no longer needed. Jesus may have come for the sick, but when you have been sick for fifty years, you are no longer sick, you are now insane. When l do wrong, I go to the father and l confess my wrong. l do not make excuses for my sins but l learn to avoid it. l am out here daily among the lost and l have witness to a lot of the people who are struggling with their walk. l have seen more people come to accept Christ outside of the four walls. l asked a few preacher, if you had to give a percent of how many people in your church would make it to heaven what would that percent be. the lowest was 5% the highest was 12%. l can do the will of the Lord outside the church. As far as the church as a group, l want to be around real people, not insane people. sorry. l would rather deal with the world then to deal with those who are playing church. amen.




  1. sounds like you have a good start even thought it was in a sunday keeping pretext....

    give the Sabbath Church a try and you will find the "hug" and truth that the sunday group doesn't have....   is great...

  2. There is a mid-range position you need to take.

    The thing is, all saved believers are still sinners.  We're not perfect.  If you're looking for a perfect church, you won't find it, because we sinners are in every church.  

    On the other hand, if you find a place has false doctrine and/or abuse, then that's a group you want to avoid, and in those cases, I recommend you leave that place and then ask Jesus to lead you to fellowship with a different group.

  3. I know exactly what you are talking about.

    True Christians do exist, even in the present 'churches'.

    It's a question of finding them and sticking with them.

  4. I would agree that if you feel this way, you are not for church.  But we do need fellowship with other believers.  Try to get fed once in awhile, okay?

    And take a look at your mission--your book.  A bash on the church?  Is that really giving glory to God?  

    The thing is, the Bible says we are not to forsake the assembling together.  Hebrews 10:25  

    When I say you are not for church, I mean by this that in this mindset you have, you are destructive to a church.  We need to be humble before God and seek the church He would have us attend.

    And one last thing:  Who disciples the people you lead to the Lord?  Because if you are not associated with a church you can direct them to, they will grow how?

  5. Wow, you have seen and experienced many things. I know what it's like because I too have been through many things like that. I have seen corruption, power trips, ego trips, and much of the same circumstances that you have been through.

    But know this my Brother, God is still God. You know that, I know you do. And I also know that you are quite aware that God is still in control. It may not seem like it at times but He is.

    My advice? If you can make it at your church, stay. If that church is that bad then change. Find a good church. But DON'T give up going to church because if you do you will end up slowly backsliding. I know, I been down that road. I'll pray for you.


  6. WOW

    My church is 100%.

    What's wrong with you guys.

  7. Why indeed?

  8. in the church, no offense, but what in the world would l want to sit in a church building full of hypocrites who play the church roll on sunday and wednesday and as soon as they are out the door.their sheep clothing is no longer needed.

    your blamming the church for the people and not looking at the church for "devoting time to the Lord." You can call the people hypocrite but I think its yuou who really have the lack of faith if you think that they are just pretending to follow thier faith.

    Also you show a sign not to forgive and forget if you think that way about all people who go to church and dont see goodness in any.

    I look around and am thankful and sure the Lord is to for any of those who show up to Mass to listen to the word of God.

    If your insulting that I would consider it a sin.

  9. Ahh But you see, Those who are Playing Church as you put it need to hear that from you there as all of those who are there Playing church.

    I have seen that too in church, many Monday thorough Sat. backsliders and Sunday Christians, tis the reason you are needed there, You can multi-task that can't you.

    I have seen this in My own Church, People who form there own little cliques and groups, Praising the Lord with their lips but their hearts are far from Him, To some outsiders who have come in and seen this has made a bad impression on them believing that it is all a joke and doing great damage, For many, Thier 1st impression is from those whom they meet in Church tis the reason you should be there.

  10. Please find a new church. Stay away from the non-denominational and the fundamentalists. The farther one goes from the church founded by Jesus the farther they are from the Truth.  

  11. I think someone needs a hug.

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