
Why should my wife stop sleeping with our 10 yr old daughter?

by  |  earlier

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i think it is unhealthy mentally for both of them




  1. There seems to be more of an issue with you and your wife.  Figure out what makes her detached from you.

  2. because by then, if theyre not sleeping alone, you might as well rent the dorm room with them.  talk about sepeartion anxiety.

    why do they sleep togther in the first place?

  3. Yes!!

    She is plenty old enough to be alone.

    That will just cause problems later if they keep doing that.

    You are right about it being unhealthy mentally too.

  4. That's hot

  5. Yes! You are correct, it is unhealthy. Ten-year-olds are on the brink of puberty and need space and privacy to adjust to their new, changing bodies. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. Also, she needs to learn to be independent. Not totally independent, of course, but she really does need to learn to do things for herself.  It sounds like your wife thinks that your daughter is still a baby when she's not. I don't really know how to explain what I'm thinking, but that sort of connection really isn't healthy at this age. Your wife needs to accept that your child is growing up. If she doesn't, and this mother-baby relationship continues, your daughter might have weird perceptions of what is acceptable, based on her age. Does that make sense?

    Here, this might explain it better. It's a youtube video of a girl who is still being breastfed at the age of eight. It's a bit more extreme than your situation, but this is kind of what I'm talking about:

  6. because it is mentally unhealthy for both of them!  10 year old need some privacy. Their bodies are starting to change, and they get very self conscious.  Plus, they need a lot of sleep.  No one sleeps as well (even married) with some one else in the bed as they do alone.

  7. Your wife should be sleeping with you. She is not married to your 10-year-old daughter -- who is far old enough to be sleeping in her own bed, in her own room.

    It sounds as if your wife is using your daughter as a "buffer" against having a mature relationship with you. You may need to get her to counseling!

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