
Why should only those Vegetarians & Vegans outcry about cruelty?

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when they are not the cause at all? ... obviously for MOST meaters been told not to bother for what they eat, neither action should to take against the increasing cruel factory farming.

(Humbly for V&V, no trolls please)




  1. I think I might understand what you are saying....why is it that scads of veg*ns speak out about (or are at least concerned about) animal cruelty when they are not the reason that it exists (b/c we don't eat it)?

    Is that close?!

    I think that a lot of omnis don't speak out about it b/c they would see how hypocritical it would be to continue to eat meat and yet be upset about what happens in order to make their meals possible.

    I guess it would be similar to Eminem taking a stand for music censorship when the fact is that relaxed standards about song lyrics is helping put food on his table.

    But on the other hand, every cause has people involved who are not themselves affected. There are loads of people who fundraise, do walks, hold charity acutions, etc. for AIDS and cancer research, but do not have either disease, nor do they know anyone who has it. It doesn't mean that they shouldn't contribute their time, effort and money, right?

    Veg*ns just do what we can to help.

  2. Yeah I understand pretty well your message. Everyone is indeed SELFISH to certain extend, depending on their background, upbringing, values and the time and place they born. And even the various vegetarians have different beliefs, but generally oppose cruelty.

    "Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty".

    ALBERT EINSTEIN letter dated 1950, quoted in H. Eves’

    Mathematical Circles Adieu, 1977

    Historically, man has expanded the reach of his ethical calculations, as ignorance and want have receded, first beyond family and tribe, later beyond religion, race, color, gender and nation. To bring other species more fully into the range of these decisions may seem unthinkable to moderate opinion now. One day, decades or centuries hence, it may seem no more than ‘civilized’ behavior requires.”

  3. Our forefathers often brought us to the zoos, not slaughterhouses & factory farms. Should we be reluctant to let people and our kids to know what really goes on, because we’re not really proud of it and concerned that it might turn them to vegetarianism?

    If the public knew more about the way in which agricultural and animal production infringes on animal welfare, the outcry would be louder.

    Keep on your good work.

  4. I would say so because if they start preaching about how horrible eating meat and everything is, but continue to buy and use those things they were protesting about, they are being hypocrites.  Vegetarians and vegans address whatever it is that they might protesting against.  Like say I'm someone who protests against the cruelty of animals in slaughterhouses, but then goes to the supermarket and buys a big rotisserie chicken, I'm being a hypocrite, and people are bound to point it out.  But if I'm a vegan who protests against slaughterhouses' cruelty, I'm doing the right thing and  I'm not being a hypocrite.  I might be called stupid by a bunch of meat-heads (pun very much intended), but I am doing the right thing.

  5. i think you need to rephrase your question or at least add some grammar.

    but in simple terms:

    meat=cruelty factory farming or not + bad for the enviroment and third world countries

    veggies= good for you and the enviroment

  6. idk

  7. Do you honestly believe people who eat meat do not detest animal cruelty?

    My family eats meat.  The cruelty that factory farm raised animals face is just one of the reasons why we raise and butcher our own meat animals.  We know EXACTLY how the animal we consume was treated from the moment it was born, until the moment it dies.  We usually know several GENERATIONS back, how its mothers, grandmothers, sires, ect were treated.

    We have a permaculture farm.  Our livestock lives their lives on gorgeous pastures, in family units, just as most people like to think of farms/farm animals.

    I own horses as well as our meat, dairy and egg livestock.  Nine horses....five of which I rescued from horrid lives on my own.  

    There's a vast legion of people who abhor how factory farm animals are treated and raised.  Those people are seeking out options of humanely raised, and butchered livestock for their tables.

    I dare say that my livestock has a much kinder and quicker death than any wild creature taken down and eaten by another wild creature.

    There are those of us who are meat eaters, who still care deeply how animals are treated, raised, and butchered.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

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