
Why should people own sustainable homes besides the fact it lowers the level of pollution?

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Why should people own sustainable homes besides the fact it lowers the level of pollution?




  1. Here's an article that might stimulate some ideas:

  2. I will support the first to answer with the comment that they save you over the long term much more than the small extra cost up front. Plus it pays to upgrade where possible older homes with insulation and ventilation to improve their livability and cost to own.

  3. Sustainable buildings are built from products that are sourced in a way that will not deplete the supply. Meaning a forest that is sustainable managed will continue to be able to provide wood indefinately.

    Anytime we use a resource in an unsustainble way we are depleting the supply at a rate that will cause it to run out. If you go into a forest and cut down 100 trees and then replant 100 trees, you will have to wait years before you can harvest them again. If you instead cut down 10 trees and replant 10 or more trees then by the time you have cut down the last of the original 100 trees the trees you have planted are 10 years old and can likely be harvested.

    To me that is a simplistic example of sustainable. I know the numbers are not accurate, but it gives a general idea.

  4. Here's two very good reasons:

    >Sustainable homes are energy efficient. That means less money spent on energy and thus more left over for buying other things--raising the standard of living for the owner.

    >Sustainable homes tend to have higher resale value.

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