
Why should smokers have the freedom to kill themselves and make others sick with their smoking?That's like ask

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ing for the right to run people down with your car, because you think you should have that freedom.




  1. I know smoking is dangerous to your health but second hand smoke is much more dangerous to other person's health.. even if he/she is not a smoker, ciggrette should have a high tax or illegalized for our future's good health and well-being.

  2. You can kill yourself smoking, but think about it. ANYTHING you do can kill you, EATING to much, DIETING to much, DRIVING A CAR, JUST ABOUT ANYTHING. SO- dont just blame smokers, IF U DONT LIKE THE SMOKE L E A V E!!!!!!!

  3. They have the right to do so, it's not aginst the law. If it were people would still somke, just like people still smoke pot and do drugs.

  4. Why should people be allowed to drive, when hundreds die and are killed on roads everyday?

    Ban cars!

    Why are people allowed to drink alcohol, when a lot of violence issues are alcohol related?

    Ban alcohol!

    Why are people allowed to use toilet cleaning products, when in 2006, over 100,000 people were killed or critically injured from them?

    Ban lavender toilet spray!

    Ok... so where do we stop?

    It's nice to think we should live in a perfect world, but it's not, and it's not going to change, so stop whinging and smile.

  5. well if they want to kill themselves that's their business. Why do you care?As for second hand smoking making others sick is pardon my Lang. BULL sh**! The only study that has been done is one by the environmental protection agency.  That study was done in 1993. Then it was thrown out of a federal court for get this, lack of scientific evidence. And even that report said that 12,000 people a year die from second hand smoking due to lung cancer. 10,000 people a year die from lung cancer with out the second hand smoke. Making this statistic scientifically irrelevant. Don't get me wrong i don't like second hand smoke but it doesn't make anyone sicker than they already are. Sorry the science just isn't there.

  6. I dont like being in close proximity to them.  Smoking is legal, so that's why it can be done.

    It's odd, cause there is so much double talk here, though, from a legal point of view.  Tobacco has been sued, laws have been passed to not smoke at work, restaurants, yet you could do it at home in front of your kids.

  7. why did you post this again? to try to get more people on YOUR side?

    Sorry, as i said before when you sent me an email saying you were BEST ANSWER to the smoker question

    How about that, LUCKYLUVBUNNY!! good one!!!!

    I AM NOT a smoker and my little boy has COPD and asthma, but does that give me the RIGHT to tell everyone else they cant smoke!!?? people have smoked for years , rode in the back of trucks for years, without seatbelts or carseats, without helmets or kneepads, ETC!!

    g**s didnt use to be allowed either, but does that mean youre gonna bash them cuz "YOU SAID SO?"

    thats just ridiculous!! We live in AMERICA and not communist country. STOP trying to tell people what they can and cant dol

    OBESITY kills too. do you take your kids out of the room when they see an ice cream cone???? like you said you make them HOLD THEIR BREATH. hahahahah! give me a break, sweetheart...

    Not a smoker, but im a believer in freedom!

  8. Smokers are easy targets, and, yes, I am a smoker.  I try to be as considerate of others as possible; I won't light up in a non-smoker's house, if children or non-smoker's are present  will either go outside or not smoke, etc.  Do I know that it's not healthy and I should quit?  Well, duh, yes!  But smoking is not simple a behavior or choice issue, it is an addiction.  I am happy to see more education available for young people today so that they can avoid this addiction, but you have to understand that there are many of us who began smoking before we fully recognized the dangers (like 42 years for me).  One thing that I find interesting is that smoking is as/or more addictive than cocaine; but, if I had a drug or alcohol addiction (which I don't) there are rehab programs out the wazoo (clinics, meds, therapy, etc), but the advice to a smoker is "just quit".  

    I agree that my rights end where your nose begins, but that also applies to so many other things in our society - hate, prejudice, etc.  And I have absolutely no problem with reasonable restrictions on smoking in public.  And, as for comparing the "right" to smoke with the "right" to run people down with a car - that is an absolutely absurd comparison.

  9. Let's ban the most harmful things first shall we?

    We'll do a test.

    Sit a man in a car with the windows shut, and make him keep chainsmoking cigarettes for an hour inside the pretty much sealed car.

    Then we take a different man in a similar car, and feed the exhaust pipe into the car. Then we leave the engine running for an hour.

    Whichever man is least healthy afterwards, we'll ban that type of pollution.

    EDIT: Americans have the right to bear arms. When I eventually save up enough to go there, I'm sure I won't want to take the bullet of some inconsiderate gunman who can't keep his shooting habit to himself. At least I have the decency to smoke outside, away from anyone else, even when it is cold, raining and I'm at my own home. Also, unlike the average 20-pack, my smokes are 100% bio-degradable. I don't use those filter things. Just paper and tobacco.


    ~Loving Light~

  10. I know were a free country and all but smoking needs to be made illegal. It is like genocide at a slowed pace. Smokers murder people whether they want to or not and they don't even care. We would have to make a plan to stop it though cause we don't want to bring out those people who smuggled beer into the country after it was banned.

  11. I don't mind what people are doing to themselves, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else in a negative way.

    If smokers wish to endanger their own body for pleasure, fine with me.

    If smokers wish to smoke in areas that people who do not wish to inhale the smoke can't easily avoid, then that annoys me greatly.

    I am all for personal freedom, no one should have the right to ban things (although demanding a warning or information is fine with me) as long as it does not directly affect other people. (Of course there are grey areas, like people getting cancer and making their enviroment "depressed", but still it's the smoker's body.) As long as people are able to decide for themselves they should be allowed to do so.

    An example of a horrible law would be the one banning "*Stevia" in some countries, just to mention a random example.

    *(Stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar, doesn't make you fat, and is good for your teeth.)

  12. If you outlaw smoking (because it is bad for you and can make others sick) then you should probably add the following things to the list as well:

    * Salt (Kills more people each year than cigarettes)

    * Red Meat (Proven to be bad for your health, has more bacteria on it than human p**p does)

    * Sugar (Not only causes weight gain and obesity, but rots teeth which can lead to a number of other disorders, including death)

    * Caffeine (Proven to not be good for your health, and it is possible to overdose on)

    * Cell Phones (Multiple studies have shown that they can cause cancer and brain tumors, not only to you but to those around you. If some chooses not to use a cell phone, why should they be subjected to second hand cell phone usage?)

    * Driving over 10 miles an hour in a motor vehicle (More people die in automobile accidents each year than from smoking, nearly all instances of Death caused from operating a motor vehicle happen while it is moving over 10 miles per hour).

    * Obesity - (Not only has it been proven that hanging around other obese people increases the chances of you being obese too, it is just plain unhealthy. Perhaps there should be a Body Mass Index and if you don't fall within a certain range you should be arrested and sent to a "Fat Farm" because you're trying to "kill yourself"...)

    * Religion (While it can be good in some instances, it is the number one cause of Wars in history. Millions if not BILLIONS of people have killed or been killed in God's name because of religion).

    So I think if you take away all the other things I mentioned above by making them illegal because of their lethality, then I could stand by and support the targeting of cigarettes and smokers too.

    However, if you not willing to go after all those other things too then you're just singling out one thing and not being fair.

    Those are my thoughts on it.

  13. Demand non-smoking hotel rooms!  Ask restaurants if they are smoke free! Let the bar owner know that you don't frequent his establishment because he allows smoking.  Insist that a smoker not invade your space.  Make people in your life aware that you choose not to see them because they smoke in your presence.  In many places this is normal.  You can change the perception that smoking is acceptable.  It is not!

    Let movie makers know that you will not attend their films if they insist on pushing smoking.  Stop subscriptions to magazines that sell ads to tobacco companies.  Notify advertisers that have smoking in the ad that you will not use their products because they choose tobacco to entice the young to their products.  Tell people why!  Advocate.

    Smokers are puffing towards an early death.  Insist that they not take you along!  Protect yourself and your children from the poisons of this drug.

  14. WOW.  I believe that before any legitimate "debate" over this topic be held, the question should at least be rationale.  To quote:

    > Why should smokers have the freedom to kill themselves

    > and make others sick with their smoking?That's like asking

    > for the right to run people down with your car, because you

    > think you should have that freedom.

    Asking for the right to run people down with your car?  If you want to have an educated discussion on a hot topic, at least compare your argument (apples) to apples.  There's so much hate speech in all of the questions I read over debate.  It can be pretty frustrating.  I hardly think smoking is the same as running people down in their cars.  That's just sick.

  15. People ask this a lot. I always see this, you have the freedom to leave c**p. Let's put it this way, if you are running around shooting people and killing them, sure they have the right to leave, but guess what happens to the person shooting people.....he gets arrested by the police. He gets taken away, because it's their right to live in a world without harm and the guy shooting is causing the harm. The people smoking are causing the harm to the non-smokers, it's their time to take it elsewhere if they want to kill themselves.

  16. I hate smoking. Especially when it gets in my clothes and hair. But if people wanna kill themselves, let them. Just be sure to stay away so you don't die with them.

  17. I agree it makes no sense, but if the government said no smoking, many people would want to kill themselves because they think life is pointless without cigarettes.

    Again, I agree it's pretty stupid to smoke.

  18. You better not be someone who drives a car, then.  

    Motorists, stop killing us non-motorists with your carbon monoxide, and global warming!  People who eat fast foods, and get heart disease, stop making me pay for your health care!  

    The point is... anything else everyone does has some sort of negative effect on you.  Get over it, and stop being such a baby.

  19. Why do you think that smokers killing themselves?

    my uncle is 83 he is smoker and my other uncle dyed age 64 non smoker and ..ok ...smoking in public places is prohibited here!

  20. It's called FREE Choice, people who smoke have that decision to make. But on the bright side, the smoking laws are changing.... What makes me angry is seeing a car full of children with the adults smoking inside. If people do want to smoke then they should do it well away from other non-smokers. Passive smokers die too.

  21. because someone who was smoking besides you maybe a important man to you ,you may just let  it be for a thing or may be used to it ,the same  time ,you give him a chance to develop it.a bad habit.

  22. People would put you in a phyc. ward if you tried killing yourself, so why dont they do that for people who smoke. If you smoke you are killing yourself, just more slowly. It is a complete different argument for people who smoke because they know that it is not good for them, they just dont want to be pushed like that. And whoever complained about having to pay for health insurance for people who eat at burger king, you are dumb. We put in our two cents for cancer treatments for smokers too, along with lung transplants. Though I do slightly disagree with the second part of your question because smokers are killing themselves, no one is doing it for them. In fact, they are hurting the people around them who somtimes dont have a choice to weather they want to smell the smoke or not. So for you smokers who disagree with this question you would agree that [you should be alowed to give the people around you second-hand smoke because you want to smoke and that makes it okay?] Uhm, no. If the goverment allows this then they would be allowing people to kill each other, they should put an end to all smoking all together. The govermant is actually trying to help them by making them quit, have you not seen all the commercials on T.V. those are there to help people not to make there lives h**l because they can no longer smoke in certian places.  

    For people who were persuaded....

    Ask your doctor about Chantix, its just a pill you take. Three of my family members have taken it and quit smoking, they claim they had no craving to smoke.

  23. Sorry, that argument just doesn't fly in a free society. Part of living in a free society means being free to make mistakes.

    There are a lot of things people do that certainly put themselves at risk, and to some extent others. You can't make everything illegal, so your only alternative is to put regulations on the behavior to make it LESS likely that others will be hurt and that the person who did the excessive behavior is appropriately punished. That "punishment" includes carrying a larger burden for their medical care.

  24. The same could be said for alcohol... "Why should drinkers have the freedom to kill themselves and kill others because of their drinking habits?"

    I can't wait for the day that drinking isn't allowed in a public place.. wouldn't that be nice?

    Alcohol is the worst, most devastating drug that is free to use in our society today. Yet people condone it while at the same time condemning smokers.

    It's a double standard.. encouraged by the government and political interests. Not because they actually care who gets hurt, but because they own the alcohol industry, but not the tobacco industry.

  25. yeah I am a smoker but if what you are saying is I can smoke as long as you can run people down with your car then that's okay with me. you go ahead and run some people down with your car and I'll smoke and we'll see who goes to jail first. I have no problem not smoking in a restuarant or the movies but in my car and in my house are none  of your business or concern. why are people still picking at smokers? We pay an exorbitant amount for our cigarettes and can't smoke anywhere nowdays so what are you griping about? Heck they tax us for the increased cost of healthcare but what about extra taxes on unhealthy food, alcohol, and fat people? Those contribute to the big hospital deficits. Or is it just there are too many people that can no longer afford to pay for healthcare? Your just a hater but I bet you got some nasty habits too. maybe you don't always wash your hands after crapping- then you're spreading dangerous ecoli to the unsuspecting public.

  26. Tough c**p...I'll smoke in your face because I am bigger, stronger, and more powerful than you.

    All human interaction is based on coercion or bribery in one form or another. Sometimes it's physical and other times it's psychological, but it's brutal either way.

  27. Well since you are the one to make this analogy I will tell you a few things.My twin sister was ran down by a DRUNK driver,My mom was backed over in a parking lot by a woman on prescriptions drugs and my granddaughter was hit by a woman talking on a cell phone all true events,so lets ban cars and trucks,cell phones,prescription drugs,drunks and idiots!You guessed it am a smoker.

  28. Basically because they find satisfaction in smoking. As a result, they dont care about its effects as cancerous. Oh well, i guess they will find a hard time adjusting once theyve started it. And tell  me a liar, they will also find time regretting once the effect will attack their as to their health

  29. yes i agree you have a very good point people complain on comercials that cigarette's kill many people each year with second hand smoke but they know they have the power to ban cigarette company's if they tried but that's true they shouldnt have the freedom to do this.....

  30. You need to becareful you start telling others how to live there lives, somebody is going to start telling you how you should live yours.

  31. Thats what I'm saying!

    i mean yea smokers of course are going to answer your question like well we have the freedom too and you can go somewhere else and blah blah......

    My opinion is that smoking should be is so bad for you, it stinks, and it kills people who don't even smoke. why smokers don't mind harming their body I don't know. personally i don't understand whats running through their head!

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