
Why should someone move from Australia to Germany?

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Why should someone move from Australia to Germany?




  1. No, that's just dumb.

  2. Cool question! I know the answer! We had some Australien guy in our school and he hated it here. We would always say " Sean, why are you here?" He always said that it was good for his patriotism and it made Australia all the sweeter. He would not recommend moving to germany (Berlin). Just too much culture difference.

  3. For a beloved person, or

    Temporarily to gather some experience in a non english speaking country with a different culture; it's a good starting point for travelling to historic places in germany and in other european countries.

  4. It just depends on if it is a permanent move or a temporary stay.

    Living in a different country is a wonderful experience to take back HOME with you.

    Germany is a country people come from, not go to.  Germany is very socilaistic and heavily taxed.  I don't know about Australia, but it is a country people move to.

  5. To be perfectly honest I can't imagine why on earth anyone from Australia would want to move away from the country- It is one of the most amazing countries I have ever been to and I have been to many many places in this world!

    Germany has some very nice places like Bavaria, The Black Forest and The Rhine to name only a few. It has some beautiful scenery but if it was my choice, Australia would win hands down!

    Perhaps they are moving for love, perhaps they want to ski (Germany is very near to Austria which has some great ski-ing) Maybe they like the German Beer?

    I guess that its up to them if and why they do make the move, but if I was lucky enough to live in Australia, I'd be staying put!

  6. I am Australian/American citizen and have lived in both places.  I am now currently living in Germany and I think it is awesome!  I have been living here for 3 years and have 2 more to go.  Living here is really what you make of it.  You have to travel and get out there in the culture!  It really is an eye opening experience and I think you would love it!  I have really never had a problem here.

  7. Why would someone do that,in the first place ?

  8. only,if the person is mad. i have lived there and i would never say  anything nice about this country, especially if you are a foreigner, you would get a lot of problems

  9. Because  he /she  is  in  Love  ?

  10. yikes!!!!!! why would you want to do that?

    I have liveD in Germany, the southern area was nice, Munchen, Monaco, but then I lived in Berlin and it was horrible!!!!!!!.

    Not offence people were not that friendly, weather is not nice, the food,let's just forget about that, plus  right now they have so many problems with unemployment and immigration.

    Forget about Germany, stay in AUSTRALIA. Trust me IS not worth it.NOT OFFENCE TO ANYBODY.

  11. For the beer.

  12. Four seasons?

    No poisonous snakes. (or anything else wild and scary... well maybe a few people)

    That's all I got.

  13. well, its not for the weather that's for sure....but perhaps work or school!

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