
Why should students at liberal arts schools study the new testament?

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Why should students at liberal arts schools study the new testament?




  1. It is mostly because there are books that make references to the bible. It's important to know what the meaning behind the phrase is.

  2. Because separate from its religious significance, the Bible is a literary text that is woven deeply into western art, poetry, fiction, television, movies, etc.  

    If you watch the movie Serenity and hear Mr. Universe say, "Toss me my 30 coin", do you understand the Biblical reference?

    When a law is named the "Good Samaritan" Doctrine, do you understand the reference?

    When a TV show like the X-Files has an episode called, "Lazarus" or when the movie Tropic Thunder has a character named Kirk Lazarus, does the reference make sense, and perhaps make it creepier or funnier?

    I haven't even touched on music or art references.

    If you want to go into some sort of artistic field, having these cultural touch stones in your repertoire will be a great asset.

  3. Because of it's obvious and large impact on western society

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