
Why should teachers join the PTA?

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Why should teachers join the PTA?




  1. When a teacher joins PTA, it shows that he or she appreciates that it takes a partnership between school and home to fully educate a child. It also allows the teacher to vote at PTA meetings, which can affect which enrichment activities and supplies come to the school. Teachers who attend PTA meetings will be able to voice their opinions and get feedback about what others think about the school and to meet parents of their students. It only costs a few dollars to join, so it's worth it.

  2. Good question.    Joining PTA shows parents that teachers are interested in their children outside the classroom.  Joining PTA doesn't mean you have to become extremly active, but an occassional appearance will strenghten that parent/teacher relationship.

  3. For the same reason the parents join. To get to spend some time outside of the classroom doing things for the betterment of the school. Also---doesn't PTA stand for "Parent Teacher Association"? Without the teachers involvment, it would just be the "PA".

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