
Why should the UN tell us that we have to scrap the royal family?

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I'm not a royalist but this makes me feel like sticking two fingers up to the UN when there are so many attrocities they should be dealing with, instead of interfering with us.




  1. They should mind there own business and look at more important issues  like the corruption and poverty in Africa

  2. they didnt say we should, they suggested we should have a referendum! After all, why should we have them forced upon us?

  3. Please get them out of new York! They are a bunch of parasites.

  4. They want a male Queen.

  5. the royal family are the biggest benefit cheats in the country

    id love to see them disappear, theyre embarrassing, with their helicopter trips to girlfriends and n**i uniforms and offensive social faux pas in every country they visit

  6. it sounds absolutely reasonable to me

    the inherrited existance of royalty is past its time.

  7. There is an article in the Daily Express regarding UK's lack of a written constitution.

    Quote "The UN Human Rights Council says the UK must “consider holding a referendum on the desirability or otherwise of a written constitution, preferably republican”.

    The Daily Express and Telegraph says this amounts to an attack on the Queen.

    Just goes to say about believing what you read ...!

  8. Seems like a waste of time- really it's a cultural artifact too, so I would tell em to jog on!

  9. Because they dont do anything, they spend more than anyone ever should and they run up the debt even more, i would vote no on them!

  10. Why doesn't the UN address some proper issues?

    Like telling China it should give up Tibet.

    Like telling Mugabe that his time is over.

    Like telling Iran and N. Korea that Nuclear activity will be dealt with firmly.

  11. No one has the right to ask for a referendum on this matter.The Queen is the head of my country and should always stay so.


  13. If this statement is true, why doesn't the UN pick on other countries who have a royal family.  The Dutch for instance are very proud of their royal family and all their traditions.  How come they don't get picked on?  I can imagine the reply the UN would get from them.

  14. Untrue.... they said the people should have a right to vote on the subject!

  15. I agree with you it's daft! It's our country we can have a royal family if we want - who are they to say we shouldn't have one? But the money they have out of the economy could go back into it. But how do you get rid of something that has been around for 100's of years. I would say keep them, I like that we have one.

  16. they shouldn't, the UN is useless and they are anti-west, anti-Israel, anti-capitalist

    they have no right telling any other country how to run their military

  17. the UN is full of bumbling plonkers who allow 10s of thousand of people to die when their incapable idiots fa rt around making decisions that are always wrong,they have no right to tell anyone what to do,about as much good as an ashtray on a motorbike,

  18. They shouldn't; it is none of their business.  In short, I agree with you.

  19. I think they are just a Tourist Attraction now,,,,,

  20. i think the world has more important issues to discuss then this. And the UN have a right to say what they want and what they think, however it shows that instead of helping out their own country or bigger problems, they're discusing the queen and othersubjects.

    Get a grip on your jobs people.

    and just a note to the above, forced upon us? the queen has hardly any power at all. i don't see her loosing impotant documents.

    And for the embarasing factor, how many times have you embarased yourself or others around you? exactly, it just shows, that like us they are human adn regular people.

  21. im a yank but when did the UN say this? and what business is it of theirs anyway?? sound sliek bush's doing d**n redneck. anywho i was in the UK bout 10 yrs ago and loved it and i  love brittish history i say the royal fam is cool.

  22. There are many more urgent, serious issues the UN should be dealing with.  Perhaps it`s the UN which should be scrapped???

  23. They're not.

    But we should, because royalty is a parasitic waste of space.

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