
Why should the United States make and announce a clear plan to leave Iraq?

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One would think any sane Iraqi would be happy that the US is spending a fortune keeping it's troops there to make sure freedom is had by all.




  1. You still think it was about freedom?Seriously?

    This freedom you speak of,have you any notion how many innocent Iraqis died to have this American sham of freedom thrust upon them?It was an invasion to secure future access to oil and set up military bases.Freedom never came in to it.

  2. A timetable is a good idea. However, making the timetable public is not. No one can deny that there are people in the Middle East who are there just to stir up trouble. Who can say that if we say we are going to leave on Monday, there won't be an attack on Tuesday?

    Even though the government of Iraq has asked us for a timetable, they have made it overwhelmingly clear that we should not make it public.

  3. The Iraqis know that we're there for the oil...they arent as stupid as the republicans think they are

  4. Because the money for the war comes from the strained backs of the US working class, who feel that their money can be better spent here at home.

  5. You have to understand that war is going on outside these peoples homes. They hear gun fire outside their bedrooms.. It's a part of their daily life.  Sounds like fun?  You can go to you-tube and find old videos of how iraq was before American forces arrived, it was much happier then. There were bustling city's now everyone is too scared to go outside. I support our troops not the war. It is great that we got rid of Saddam but we aren't helping these people anymore. They have to want the change not be forced to do so.  

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