
Why should the West intervene in Zimbabwe?

by Guest63071  |  earlier

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Has the West not done enough to s***w that nation up since we gave Rhodesia and Ian Smith the boot when he became very unfashionable?

Despite over 600 billion pured into Africa- it is now worse on all indicators than it was 50 years ago- the only continent to be worse now, than then.

Handouts, free food, etc have destroyed any fundamentals of economy or self-reliance.

No more misguided mollycoddling or mothering from the West.

Africans should be left to their own perfectly capable devices and fend for themselves. Sink, starve or swim- let them.

Their lands, their problems, their solutions.

After all- they didn't all magically sprout up as soon as we landed there did they?




  1. We should interveine because this country is ******!

  2. britain helped mugabwe when he became a guerrilla when they tried to get rid of smith

  3. If you saw someone being kicked about at the side of the road by someone else, would you do something or just stand and watch? I'm not saying you have to mother them, but its hard to watch the injustice that's taking place.

    Imagine not being able to buy a loaf of bread because it costs you billions and not being able to vote for someone who could make a change for fear of being killed.

    If the UN could just do something so that the people can choose the government they want in a fair election then that would be a big first step.

  4. Never again!!!!! When the last man leaves Iraq, NEVER AGAIN!!!!

    We are not the police of the world. That is insane policy. Nobody elses behaves like this d**n it! Stop the insanity.

  5. It's all part of the bigger plan the only thing that will happen is talk,talk,talk why spend billions in educational aid, food aid and medical aid when you can have a natural cull then pop in when its all out genocide and start counting the diamonds and an Africa that will do anything for any price.The men at the top of the tree are controlling this STILL

  6. The Western Nations must not intervene in Africa's problems!It is a problem only the African continent can sort out!I agree!There has been too much British taxpayers money poured into that p[art of the world!Enough is enough!What is being enacted in Zimbabwe is a 'blight' upon Africa itself for allowing this miscarriage of justice to continue!I believe Africa must now fend for itself and not expect 'handouts from Western countries!

  7. Perhaps you are prepared to fight in a civil war in a landlocked country surrounded by nations who are hostile to your intervention. That is if they will let you have facilities to get in and also supply your troops. It is an african matter aaaaand the africansare not prepard to solve it. If and when they do they will be backed by governments wityh their own axe to grind. Justtaake a look at Congo

  8. You have a very good point.  I think that since there is so much underlying corruption of the continent that all the "aid" is sort of their by force and will of the people to be helpful which is a nice thing to do and all, but it isn't helping destroy the controlling forces which cause the famine and destruction of such areas.

  9. Spoken like a true non-Zimbabwean resident!

    Imagine for a second that you were living there, all this aid comes into your country but you get none of it because your government is corrupt.

    You are literally dying of starvation and all you want is something to eat and drink, but you can't have anything, because someone in another country decided,

    "No more misguided mollycoddling or mothering from the West.

    Africans should be left to their own perfectly capable devices and fend for themselves. Sink, starve or swim- let them.

    Their lands, their problems, their solutions."


    Walk a mile in someone's shoes before you judge them.

  10. To clean up the **** heap of its own making.

  11. I think the West has figured out that it's so much easier to rape a continent of its natural resources when you can make deals with corrupt strongarm dictators instead of having to deal with democratic governments and fair trade laws and all those other annoyances.

  12. The West should not intervene in Zimbabwe militarily. It is time that the African nations took control of their own affairs and not rely on the ex-Colonial powers. In Angola and Mozambique, for example, they fought long and hard for independence. Now they have to win economic battles.

    Potentially Africa is capable of being one of the richest continents on the planet but needs to be totally free of economic imperialism and exploitation.

    If there is anything we can do on a humanitarian or diplomatic level then fine - otherwise limit aid to logistics.

  13. You are so right!!!!

    We should not intervene in africa.

    BUTTTTT we should intervene in afganistan, iraq, blablabla.

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