
Why should the gambling age be lowered to 18?

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My friend and I are working on a debate about why the gambling age should be lowered to 18. Please help us find good reasons to argue against our opponents (who say that the gambling age should stay at 21). We want to know how people can benefit if the gambling age is lowered to 18.




  1. gambling age should be lowered to 18 to atract more people who at this age do not have control over the finance and get them adicted. the only people will benefit if the age is lowered to 18 is the gambling owners and goverment. people who gameble will neaver benefit them. dose every time you go to casion do you come out with with more money. no othere wise the house will go bank rupet. i thing gambling should be band over all.

  2. If kids need cash for college I think that would be a good reason to gamble and be able to get more money for college

  3. "We want to know how people can benefit if the gambling age is lowered to 18."

    Casino owners ould benefit from even more people visiting! lol thats about it...

    it's 18 plus here in the UK and I visit casinos sometimes... I don't see any debatable reasons why it should'nt be 21 though.

  4. I think it should be lowered to 18 because if you are allowed to serve your country, and possibly give your life for your country, the least they can provide you with is a chance to double down. ;-)

  5. It's real simple:

    1) The gambling age is ALREADY 18.  You can buy lottery tickets at 18, which is gambling.  Some states offer card rooms for people aged 18.  Some states have horse race betting at 18.  So you are not arguing to make a radical change merely make the law logical.

    2) If gambling is harmful to those under 21, explain why 48 states have lottery ticket sales.

    3) If you are a legal adult, old enough to buy a home, get married, have children, vote, serve the country, own a gun, be in the military and have a machine gun, and buy cigarettes, why should be you banned from gambling?  As a legal adult, isn't it your right to decide how you spend your money?

    4) Gambling is a cash cow for the government.  The more people gamble, the more tax is collected, without having to force people to pay more tax.

    5) Almost every country in the world that has gambling has the age limit of 18.  Are we really going to argue that unlike all the other 18 year olds around the world, American 18-21 year olds are too stupid and untrustworthy to accept this responsibility?

  6. just argue that gambling shouldnt have an age. and call them racist. then make a case

  7. more money in the community

  8. When its lowered to 18, they can gamble to get money to prepare for their future.

  9. it is lowered to 18, you can play online poker and gamble online when you're wise 21, but why?

    its a game, and people are good at it, and i like playing poker, and it doesnt really matter, because people find ways of playing or gambling  underage, i've personally gambled under the age of 18, and won, im trying to perfect my skills before im 18, and even 21, but the bad thing about it is, most people are immature when they are 18, or 21, and go ahead and lose everything they've worked for, it is most likely, when even grown up men do it, you can only imagine all the teens and idiots that are going to start losing (their parent's) money

  10. it should be raised to 30,it will suck your life away,never start and you wont loose,good luck

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