
Why should they be allowed to enjoy the comforts, benefits and affordability of what they seek to destroy?

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There are those in our nation who fight all new power plants. No matter how clean, how modern, how efficient they are.

They lose in the courts but drag out the lawsuits for years. They refuse to acknowledge our need for additional power. Yet they still benefit from these power plants non-the less. The same people fight coal, nuclear, gas. They argue to have hydroelectric dams removed.

My question is do you not think that this class of people should be removed from the grid. That the ONLY electricity that they be allowed to hook up to be what they call “renewable” This includes Gestapo like groups such as the Seria Club, the Environmental defense fund. The World Wild life fund bunch.

Bob, Dana, Amy and so many others.

If ‘renewable’ energy is not available in their areas, then tough they still should be cut off from what they fight so hard against. Let them freeze in the dark for a winter or two, then see if they change their tune.




  1. Yes they should be cut off, and allowed to sit in the dark.

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