
Why should us middle class pay for the poor?

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i am a middleclass man and it,s not fair that we pay for the poor to give them a better life and free welfare and foodstamps.




  1. Because the rich won't do it.  Tax laws are written by the wealthy, for the wealthy.  The poor don't get nearly as much money and benefits as they used to.

  2. Hi

    I'm not a religious fanatic, but I am learning the one global mantra that eventually should, and will eliminate pain and suffering for good. Love thy neighbor as thyself.

    I don't think is fair for middle class to pay so much more for the poor, I agree with you.

    there is a whole, huge pile of billions protected by many laws, kept for the enrichment of only a few individuals, and to perpetuate dependancy (fuel/resources/jobs/etc). And I'm not talking any "red commy" lingo here, fyi.

    We can all do our part, care for one another in our town town/city/neighborhoods. Eventually, every effort each of us makes, will tilt the scale and some miraculous things will happen (end of chaos/suffering).

    So to stop side tracking from your question: yes and no. We should not be "the only ones" paying for the poor. The rich and the very rich should take a bigger stance and a few of their billions should go towards programs that will enable the very poor to elevate their standard of living, and stop dependancy  subsidies from the working middle class.

  3. I don't mind helping them out. What I do mind is when people take advantage of what the government is willing to give. There is nothing that bothers me more than being in line behind someone with food stamps at the grocery store, then seeing them in the parking lot getting into their brand new Lincoln or Mercedes or Cadillac. If they can afford those cars, they don't need my help.  

  4. In a perspective that you might understand then how about if you ever lose your job you might want unemployment benefits to help you through? Or perhaps it's because we have a democratic system which decided that a percentage of ALL wages should go towards a greater good which sometimes involves helping others. You selfish b*st*rd. I bet you don't give to charity either. Maybe only the rich should get to use special driving lanes or something too since they pay more tax than you. Get a conscience ******.

  5. There are multiple reasons that we should pay for the poor.

    For a human reason, we don't like seeing other people suffering when we know we have the possibility to give them relief. Do you want to see a starving child on your porch or front door dead due to a lack of nourishment when you could have easily just bought him food.

    For a evolution reason, humans are a group of beings that cooperate and handle situations in groups. A man cannot live isolated and keep his sanity. We need other people no matter how much we would not like to believe so. This encourages us to help other even if we do not want to. This fuels "good will."

    For economic purposes, it gives us more of a possible working population. This provides us with a possibility to train individuals for any purposes on a certain skill bracket. People who are poor are usually those who have been hindered by society -- they are not uncapable to handle situations, they just lack the experience. Although there is the exception of people who are poor because they are just stupid, most poor people are poor due to a series of events which they have no role in or because of ignorance which cannot be pinpointed to a fault of a single person but to the faults of many which probably includes you and me on a certain level.

    Another economic reason, when we pay our taxes to pay for the poor, the services which the poor uses makes jobs for other people. This creates new jobs for people to partake. This in turn creates a flow of money and on a larger scale returns the money back to circulation so inflation does not occur. If there were no taxes, for example, I would reckon people would hoard more money thus money would lose more value and your $5 bill would be worth less than $1 since everyone has so much already. Now instead of you being a part of the middle class you would be part of the poor bracket.

  6. What are you talking about? You should feel lucky life has given you this position. Some people really struggle to have it good. You should be ashamed of writing this down. Man, I think being middle class, your parents didn't teach you any values. You seem like a spoiled selfish brat. I wish I would have it easy.

  7. umm, maybe because we don't NEED the extra money, they need it to live, you're not gonna die without that money and they probably would.

    so someone's life or some extra spending money for you?

  8. Actually, the wealthy get the shet taxed out of them. The top 5% pays 55% of all income tax, and the wealthiest 1% pays 33% of all income tax at a 38.5% rate. This may sound all well and good until you realize that your entire household only needs to make $120,000 a year to be in the top 5%.

  9. cos the government sucks! lol :)

  10. it is a hand up not a hand out, we pay cause one day it could be us and when normal people need help they don't stay on it too long, true their are those who ride the system, and on day the programs may not be available..but in the mean time we can't kick one another when we are down.  It won't solve anything.  

  11. If the majority were smart enough, they could get the poor to work for them which will therefore basically give a return on the money that you paid for. We are living in a Capitalist society after all.

    The laws are written by the Bourgeoisie for the Bourgeoisie. The Proletariats have to take up the problems.

  12. are you bitter about something?

    it's all apart of LIFE. take something positive from that and move on. I know what your talking about and Im sorry that we have to do that. It's just the way it is! We're more fortunate than others.... Im sure the RICH look at us taht way too!

    SMile~ everythings going ot be okay!

  13. The reason is because there are too many liberals, and a lot of poor people keep making kids when they know they don't have enough income to support them all.

  14. A lot of the money you pay is going towards helping seniors out. When you are unable to work when your older, you'll appreciate the government helping you out.

    But I know what you mean, it's hard to figure out why the guy on the side of the road gets a welfare cheque every month while he holds a sign up at an intersection asking for food or money, when he could just as easily get a job for a construction company and hold up a road sign for money. No one likes working, but some people are just too stubborn and lazy. It's definately not fair, but I can see the only upside as being that panhandlers are probably fewer because of it, and also probably less aggressive. Can you imagine how desperate someone would be if you refused to give them change and they hadn't eaten in days? Then again, maybe at that point they may consider getting a job!

  15. Do you claim to be a Christian? Or a Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist ...?  Your religious leader and/or scriptures have some good answers to your question.

    I live in Canada, and receive excellent hospitalization and medical care paid for by me and other lower-middle class taxpayers. (The myth that people with high incomes pay more taxes ignores the huge tax write-offs open to the very wealthy. You can verify this with only a little research.) However, because of a medical disability, I have gone from earning a professional wage to being on welfare. It's no picnic, believe me..

    Why don't you try a little experiment?  Could you and your family live for even one month on "free welfare and foodstamps"?

    If you're writing from the Untied States, you are one disease or accident away from bankruptcy and welfare yourself.  

  16. This administration loves poor people, that's why they've created millions more of them these last 8 years (by outsourcing the better paying jobs & importing cheaper labor to reduce wages).  Because I am one to which much has been given, I am honor bound to help those in need... as are all the upper middle class.  Regardless of what some would proclaim, very few are on welfare or public assistance by choice.

    I know many will blame injured Vets for their misfortune & harp about supporting them... these are the same twits that think someone else should protect their sorry asses. Too many never think of nyone but themselves... then whine about that!  

  17. Hey there. Settle down because this is a common misunderstanding. I guess it's sort of a law that isn't mentioned, but because we middle class folk end up paying for all those dirty poor people, we're actually allowed to utilise them for transportation purposes! That's right! Taxes are much like buying bus tickets. When you're out walking and feel little tired and happen upon a homeless gentlemen, do what I do; hop on!

    Just hold on tight because they tend to struggle a little before they inevitably calm down. Simply give them a little kick (much like you would riding a horse) and you're off at hobo-speed! It's great for the enivronment as well because as you know unlike buses, they run simply on beer and dreams.

  18. an-tell you no watt you are toking about you sud keep your moth shut,!

  19. I don't mind helping people out, but if I do, I'll do it because I WANT TO, not because the government tells me I have to.

    It's my money, I worked HARD for it, and I'll do with it what I want.

  20. that is not all true, upper middle class and rich pay for the poor, and that is the way it should be also, USA need a larger middle class

  21. we always have but im tired of it too! be careful who you vote for!

  22. thats why it is so hard to become a  high income house hold. keep the poor, "poorer"  and the Rich "richer"  

  23. We have created a whole generation of the population that is dependant on the government.  Now I'm with you, I have no problem assisting the elderly or the disabled but there is no reason an able bodied person should not be working.  Have too many kids to support?  Quit having them!  Maybe if people didn't have an incentive to keep having kids and staying home they wouldn't do it.  I for one worked my way through college, was raised by a single mother and work my A** off just to get by, it makes me sick to work this hard to take care of people who are lazy and irresponsible.

  24. ok listen. we are more fortunate then them. some people can barely make it by. we have a meal every night, beds to sleep on, some people don't have those things that we take for granted

  25. Don't worry the middle class is dying off, so will all be poor.

  26. It's not fair.  The middle class works hard for their money, and then those who just sit on the side of the road begging are doing nothing!  We shouldn't pay for them.  There are PLENTY of jobs out there, they are just lazy and want us to pay for them.

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