
Why should voters put up with even 2 more years of this nonsense?

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Wind, solar energy built on temporary tax breaks

WASHINGTON - Congress is putting the short-term future of renewable energy companies in jeopardy even as the presidential candidates and most lawmakers hail windmills, solar panels and biofuels as long-term solutions to high gasoline prices and global warming.

Some $500 million in investment and production tax credits will expire Dec. 31 unless Congress renews them. Without that help, solar and wind power companies say they will reverse planned expansions and, in many cases, cut payrolls and capital investment.

Schott Solar has visions of quadrupling its operation in Albuquerque, N.M., to reach 1,500 jobs and $500 million in investment. But the investment tax credit, company spokesman Brian Lynch said, is what makes solar power cost-competitive. Without it, expansion plans must be reconsidered

And Nancy Pelosi and Harold Ried think calling back congress to vote on a bipartisan energy bill that both good Democrats and Republicans have worked on is not important.

Party politics as usual and to he** with the voters




  1. Democrats (Reid and Pelosi) are trying to walk a fine line right now and the media is letting them get away with it.  The higher gasoline prices go the more angry the voting public will get - the better for their guy.  Of course they can't have the media calling them out for it because that looks bad for them.  They only have to stall for 65 more days and they will - and get away with it - you watch.

  2. I hope that you aren't blaming the Democrats for the lack of legislation to help renewable power. The Republicans have done nothing although they have been in a position to do so for the majority of the last 8 years. Then, after doing nothing or prohibiting the Democrats from doing anything, they make a grandstand play trying to make it look like the Dems fault for going on a 5 week recess. Once again the Republicans think that the American people are stupid and will fall for their B.S. Wait a minute maybe they have a point after all there is a track record of the American people falling for their "bull"( Think G.W. Bush). Maybe that is why they think they can do it again

  3. Because you vote for it.

  4. There is no reason we should put up with this and we should have a way to have gotten her out immediately once she showed her ignorance. Reid should go too. I thought the Republicans did a bad job. They look like geniuses compared.

    I would like to see the entire congress sent home for good and start again.

    But, look on the bright side. When congress is not in session, they are not making messes.

  5. It's all part of the game.

  6. Yes, why would American voters put the dems back in control of congress?

  7. I say impeach all the lazy *** democratic congressional members and try them for treason.  They simply told the American people to **** off, by taking another vacation which was more important to them than hammering away an energy policy.

  8. The problem here is that your wrath, while righteous and justified, is misdirected, because the corporate-controlled media is very good at political misdirection and sleight-of-hand.  The truth is the Republicans, not the Democrats, are playing politics with our energy future and economic vulnerability and disrespecting the American voting public.

    If I recollect recent events correctly, the Dems proposed a comprehensive energy bill, which included but was not limited to the continuation of the alternative energy tax credit.  The Republicans responded with short-term political expediency over the long-term public interest they were sworn to preserve, protect, and defend by pressing solely for lifting the oil drilling ban in off-shore and sensitive wildlife areas.  

    The Dems countered initially with no compromise on off-shore drilling until the oil already discovered in lands already leased for drilling in non-sensitive areas was extracted.  However, after further Republican political posturing and closed-door wrangling, the Dems agreed to a compromise that included lifting the off-shore oil drilling ban in some non-sensitive areas in trade for the Republicans seriously negotiating a comprehensive energy bill.  

    Instead of putting aside politics as usual and acting in the public interest, the Republicans refused and accused the Dems of making America less safe and the cause of the high price of gasoline at the pump, when Republican intransigence on fleet mileage standards, windfall profits, and alternative energy investment contributed far more to our increasing dependence on foreign oil and $4 per gallon gasoline than anything the Dems have done.

    If Pelosi and Reid have determined that the Republicans will stonewall every Dem-led attempt at comprehensive energy reform until after the election, whle turning the issue back on the Dems politically, why waste time and money of Congress and the public on a charade?  That would have been truly disrespectful of the American voter.

    McCain-Palin is 4 more years of that disrespect with perhaps a little less obvious corruption and unethical behavior.  That's not enough of the change we need or deserve.

    Where the Dems consistently fail is in exposing and countering the Republican misdirection and sleight-of-hand politics, but it's tough to catch a master political magician palming the truth while pinning the lie on the Dems.  Let's hope that with Obama the Dem mind is quicker than the Republican hand.  Otherwise, hold on to your wallet, because there they go again.  

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