
Why should we allow another 6 months in Iraq, with no solid proof things are better?

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This General is head of this invasion for the second time and about the 4th General in charge in last few years. Why, What proof do we have shown to us, other than their broken promisses from before, that if we stay 6 months longer, that we will make anymore headway? A bunch of soldiers just left my area, last week, they are going for their 3rd deployments, for 15 months this time, and have told me they will be readied for Iran, Invasion while over their. It's no surprise, 3 weeks ago when speaking with them.

Why are we not allowing Isreal to take the lead, if we go in!

Policing Iraq, is not a war, if we wanted to end this we would have to have a Draft, to get another 250,000 soldiers their as we go it nearly alone as country's go now.

It's time to leave. We accomplished a lot by getting Sadom Husein out, we should load up and get back to Afganistan, ASAP and clean them out, then Packistan maybe? Iran will be like knocking down the bees nest. If we do this, we get attacked here.




  1. Whether we like it or not, "allow it", or not, it will happen. General Petraeus says that he won't know until nest summer (June or July)whether he can below the 130,000 pre-surge level.

    Are things getting better? Militarily, there seems to be some improvement, and we can give Petraeus the benefit of the doubt and say the improvement is mostly due to the surge and his revised tactics. Politically, Ambassador Crocker has to strain to find any improvement, and that only by saying that the national leaders are willing to talk about meeting to think about resolving some of the questions. Bush (and Crocker and Petraeus) say that a political solution is necessary. No one will say that a political solution next year is any more likely than it is now.

    There is no progress on the essential matter. Bush will not change his policy*. Congress will not override him. Things will go just as they have for the last several years.

    *If, miracle of miracles, Bush in his speech tomorrow night proves me wrong, I will be delighted for us and for the country. The worse a prophet I am,  the better we will be.

  2. cause we want the oil...


  3. Like it or not there is plenty of evidence things are getting better. There is a long ways to go but then again if the left wasnt fighting the president from day one maybe he could have pounded the pi$$ out of the terrorists and insurgents from the start rather than having the troops fight in such a PC manner and it would be done. The American left is more of a problem than the terrorists at this point. If you people had the voice you have now back in WWII, we would have lost that war too.

    Osama was right when he said he could defeat America because he saw the lack of resolve and will to fight among the American people- he said that in 1998. He cited Vietnam, Somalia and our lack of response to the numerous terrorist attacks during the 1990s.

  4. Listen buddy, unless you have been over there like I have (2 deployments), you have no right to sound off.

    Ignorant fool!!!

  5. in his best case scenario Petraeus says that troop levels may return to pre-surge numbers by next summer...thumbs down to 6 more months

  6. I'm glad our country's foreign policy is not run by you.

  7. Allow ?  Like you have any say in the matter ROFLMAO

  8. Did you listen to the General or did you just read the dem talking points. We are making progress and it should be left to the military to decide when to leave. Not a bunch of politicians who are bitching and whining for political reasons...

  9. Well, personally, as a mother of a soldier IN IRAQ, I hate seeing us there.

    HOWEVER, my soldier says we're doing a good job there, that we need to be there, and the INNOCENT people there are very thankful for us.

    How can I dispute that?  That's first hand knowledge.

    I know, this isn't what you're wanting to hear.  You want agreement, no doubt.  But, facts are facts.

    He's been there 10 months and has 5 to go.  Say prayers, what else can we do.  We can't change the reality of life.

  10. We will be there until the job is done. No troop pull out until next summer. Sorry charlie.

  11. 'We' don't get to make the call. We also don't get to see any proof things are better. If 'we' just pull out, it is guaranteed things will get worse.

  12. We should not. We have lost this war and as a Republican, I do not support it. We made a big mistake.

  13. Are you kidding?  What more proof do you need?  Why do stupid liberals continue to talk when they are clearly as dumb as a rock?

  14. ...and no solid proof that things are as bad as the media makes it out to be.

  15. Would you rather fight the terrorist here?  Why don't you volunteer and maybe some of those soldiers wouldn't have to go back.

  16. Even if we decided today that we should pull out it would take over a year to successfully disengage and remove all assets from Iraq. It is not as simple as going to a plane and flying home. There are complex logistics and staging involved to safely and completely remove our forces from Iraq.

  17. i agree with you but let them or allow them

    this is your president for ya, no rights and no way out.

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