
Why should we believe in God when there isn't solid proof?

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just because we cannot explain something doesn't mean we should look back at the bible or whatever to seek for an answer




  1. I don't think we should. Every other thing in life demands validity and research, why does faith get to be 'blind'? I think the Bible was created by a group of intelligent people that realized people need moral boundaries. What better way than with fear? People just need to feel like there is something more, to make death seem less sad.

  2. There is actually proof against!!

    There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one!!! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!!

    Outside of the bible he is not mentioned in anything until many years after his supposed death!!

    The Roman Emperor Constantine produced the bible and he was a pagan not god!!!   He also organized Christianity into the Holly Roman Catholic Church!!  Not in Israel or any of the countries of supposed origin but entirely Italian!!

    What a wonder full disinformation and deception campaign he waged against his Christian enemies - so good in fact that Christians are still following the deception to this day!!!

  3. The bible is their only proof. Nothing more.

  4. Actually I do believe that there is a lot of proof, its just subtle. I will illustrate one:

    I point to water, you may say what has that got to do with anything. Well water doesn't behave like every other liquid in the natural world. All other liquids tend to freeze from the bottom up, ie as they shift phase from liquid to solid they sink. Water doesn't behave like this. If water behaved as all other liquids the planet would have frozen over during the first ice age, and never thawed. Why doesn't water behave like all the other liquids?

    Why is our planet in the perfect orbit for sustaining life? If you look into it you will find dozens of oddities that are either extreme coincidences (orbit) or clearly fly in the face of what should be (water). All of these point to a divine influence over our universe.

    I think that people turn their back on god because over our history we have tried to humanize him and guess at his motives which is clearly impossible. In order for God to be eternal he has to exist outside of time, while we swim along in its river. . .we won't get to know him until we climb onto the banks.  

  5. You can't prove that God exists or that he doesn't exist. So you may believe whichever you like, and whichever you choose, nobody can prove you wrong.

    The place where you get into trouble is believing or not, -then- what.  So long as your beliefs don't intrude on the rights of others, you have the right to believe whatever you would like, or whatever seems reasonable to you.

    Personally I think that if God exists it's his deliberate plan to hide from us, to allow us to figure stuff out for ourselves.  He could just appear in the sky and tell us stuff, but in that case it wouldn't be -belief-, it would be -science-.

  6. solid proof?

    this is my solid proof :

    i have beheld the glory of Jesus christ, the sun of righteousness, I KNOW there is a God. there is no shadow of a doubt.

    but there are people who can be hear the testimony of a million witnesses of jesus and still reject that there is Solid proof.

    jesus said it himself, though someone rise from the dead, they will still NOT listen or hear

  7. Because you have faith.


  8. Is the simple fact that you are here, in this place, on Earth NOT enough to show you that there is a higher power?

  9. We shouldn't.  But most believers were indoctrinated by their parents and surrounded by other believers so they just do.

    Believers in a particular religion, like Christianity, look at Islam, for example, and think the others have been deceived, but they can't imagine that they have been equally deceived.

  10. Awesome yeah, and at 8 am I can finally answer again


  11. If there was solid proof, it would be physically impossible to refer to it as a 'belief.'

    A belief is something that you have faith in; something that has no, or a very small, amount of proof backing it.

    (You cannot, for instance, 'believe' in evolution. You can understand and reject evolution. Similarly, you cannot 'understand' intelligent design. You can, however, believe or reject it.)

  12. Because h**l awaits if you don't! Why risk it?

  13. Belief precedes understanding, so it should be clear why a leap of faith is the only way to begin in the here and now.

  14. We actually have proof. We speak in tongues. It's your physical proof in the senses of the internal reality and presence of the Holy Spirt.

  15. I really haven't found answers in there, although I have read it.  

  16. It's an option.  But, I don't think you should or shouldn't.  Find your own truth.

  17. I would rather seek the Word of God than to seek men that have no answers. In God there's truth, and we can always count on His Word, but in men there's no truth.

    And why not? Why not believe in God. Why does everyone want proof? Well, here's proof: You are alive, you're breathing air-where did the air come from? Where did the skies come from? How about the stars, the moon, the sun, and everything else? There has to be a creator, and in the beginning there was God...We simple minded humans feel that we need to see then we will believe, but faith tells us to believe and then we will see. People try to think about it all, but find themselves becoming confused, and God isn't confusion. We just choose to believe, to have faith in God, to search for our answer in Him because He is the only answer.  

  18. Duh!! Because God DOES exist.

    Have you seen someone get possessed and then tremble at the name of Jesus? I bet not. But i have seen things before my eyes. Actually i didn't believe God existed myself and even if he did i believed that he didn't do any job up there but after that experience i totally believe now. And i have also realised that if he kept answering our prayers, we would turn into lazy and greedy beings asking for more and more.

    The poor (helpless), are blessed by God and will go to heaven. The poor (who are lazy to work) are not. If God aswered our Prayers we would be like the poor who are lazy. so thts why God gives us what we need.

    On the other side God wants us to help and pray for the poor (helpless) in order to earn our points to heaven. If we didn't have the helpless orphans and the hungry we would just be relaxing doing no good.

  19. I understand the perks are pretty good, unless you get caught.  

  20. Well then what is your answer? Because you can't prove something but I choose to prove it with my faith and you don't agree you just talk it down. You have no solid proof because you have no faith. Just have faith the size of a mustard seed! That's all. Have you ever seen a mustard seed? It's tiny!

    Anyway, I can try again and again to prove to you my God is real. That is God's way of giving you chance after chance. You get to choose what you believe. I would rather believe that God put me here than some "big bang" random explosion out of nowhere. It makes perfect sense to me.  

  21. The key to your question is 'should'

    People who are comfortable with unknowns and reason don't need a God or gods.

    Some people need a God or gods to feel safe.

    why should we believe is something that cannot be proven or dissproven? no reason. The same argument can be made for the other side, though; Why shouldn't we?

    In the end it's up to the individual, and if they're decent, they'll mind their own business about it.

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