
Why should we care about anything? We're all going to die anyway.

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Why should we care about anything? We're all going to die anyway.




  1. Sorry to disappoint you but the real 'you', your centre of awareness, is not going to die. There is no 'death' to one's consciousness, there is only 'change' from one dimension to another.

    The body has no life of its own and will be dissolved one day. All physical matter is constantly undergoing change but the 'soul' is eternal. It is the Spirit which inhabits the body that gives it life. It is like a kind of electricity which enters the body. This is better explained by my favourite author/healer:


    "Your ordinary daily personal consciousness sinks into oblivion and a sort of Cosmic state comes upon you. It is the feeling 'I merge into the Cosmic', and in this state I can express great healing power.

    (demonstrates healing) ... When in this Cosmic state the Divine White Light pours through you and enters the patient, tending to unite the patient with the Cosmic and conditions disappear. ... When I say to you that this is all very simple you are amazed. But I tell you it is simple; it is difficult for you because you do not comprehend it completely. Immediately you comprehend this tremendous Truth, that it is a natural law, then there is no difficulty, for it comes forth of its own free will. ...

    Pure Spirit Power is millions of times more powerful than electricity generated from the most powerful generating station in the world. Just think what 50 or 60 million volts would do to your body, when 250 volts will electrocute you, and then think what pure Spirit would do to the physical body if it touched it.  ...

    But the extraordinary thing is that this Spirit is within you, though it does not touch the physical until it is transformed through the inner bodies. The transformers are the ethereal bodies which interpenetrate your physical body. Your real Spiritual self is above your head. Then comes the Spiritual body that surrounds the spiritual self. Then comes the thousand-petalled lotus, the centre at the dome of the head, which links it with the higher ethereal body which is the first transformer.

    The next transformer is the body which is connected with the centre in your forehead, the next with the back of your head, etc., right to the bottom of the spine which connects with the physical; and you notice that these centres vibrate to the colours of the spectrum, from white and purple down to red. The pure white Light does not touch your body at all. It breaks up into different colours and passes through the various centres, as stated in our first lesson.

    The emotional body is attached to the heart centre, between the shoulders; the magnetic body carries the load, and its centre is situated in the solar plexus and has a direct contact through the motor and sensory nerves to the cerebellum and higher tissues. The mental body is situated in the forehead and interpenetrates the emotional and the physical bodies. The Spiritual body, which is always perfect in itself and never is ill, is above the head. It is the mortal mind and body that is ill, not the spiritual body.

    The Spirit itself, wherein is the Divine Consciousness, never touches the body, and it is like a ray coming into the body, interpenetrating the various densities of the ether, all interpenetrating each other; these are your transformers.


  2. Well it seems that parts of the brain compel us to care about a lot of things; food, sleep, s*x, love and belonging, taking a breath of air. So it's not like we have a choice really.   I guess we care about the rest of the stuff just to pass the time.

  3. The interesting part of the enigma of the consciousness that confronts and toils with the prospect of fate is not in the question you asked, but in its converse.

    That is, do you think life would be any more meaningful if human's lived forever? What would there be to care about if life extended unto eternity? Why not delay schooling/professions/responsibility for 300 years and engage yourself in novelty instead?

    It is easier to conclude that life is good because we die; immortality would be prison.

    Your question reaffirms this stance in that it expresses the convenience and luxury of the belittlement of life. It is a relief to view life as something paltry, and not to be afflicted by, but freed from eventually ....(rather than expressing despair at the prospect of death).

    That is, your question is one of convenience and liberation, rather than misery and despair. How lovely it is to be free from care of the only thing we have [life] a poor man laughing at hunger and throwing away his last morsel of bread.

    Finally, it is yet difficult to derive meaning from life, whether in immortality or finitude; perhaps longevity has nothing to do with meaning. Let us search elsewhere, then.

  4. This won't be a very appreciated answer, but it's all a matter of personal philosophy and values. Decide what it is that you cherish. If you really don't care about anything... then there's no reason to continue, is there? (Yet you're alive...)

  5. To say at the end of the ride known as life that I was I am and I'll always be a very large pain in the A**.

  6. Well I'm sure we all feel that way, but lets see how many people give an insightfully thoughful and poignant answer any-frukin-way!!

  7. Because hopefully there is some point to my existence.

  8. Yeah, you'll be successful in life.  Good attitude.  

  9. If you can help somebody as you pass along the way,

    then your living will not be in vain (as the song used to say).

    Whatever happened to Mahalia Jackson?

  10. All we should care about is limiting the amount of suffering each human endures. There may be no point to life, but that doesn't mean we have to make it unpleasant.  

  11. I think we should ask: Why should we care about anybody?

    We were put on this earth for a purpose, and we have a mission. God wants us to tell of His love and grace. But, I also believe that we are here to not only change the lives of others, but learn more about ourselves, and what our dreams really mean to us in this unforgiving world.

  12. Because it's in our nature.  We're a social species.  Kinda a lot like insects actually.  I can't confirm or deny life after physical death, I'll leave that to the other answers.  But we as a species do better when we help our "society" do better as a whole.  There's less sickness, etc. which in turn makes it easier for you to get by until you do die.  You can't say why not just give up and die either because, again, our nature is to survive.  It's hard-coded into you, you can't deny it.

    I suppose that's the most "non-God" answer you could get.

  13. Sure, we're all going to die. Let's make sure we go out in style - and let's live life in style, too. And let's help the rest to do the same.

  14. Just because we're going to die doesn't mean we can't experience pain or pleasure. You're free to not care though.

    -bf jb nm

  15. If that is the way you really feel, and you are not playing "devil's advocate," please take solace in these words:

    "I stand here on the summit of the mountain. I lift my head and I spread my arms. This, my body and spirit, this is the end of the quest. I wished to know the meaning of things. I am the meaning. I wished to find a warrant for being. I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and the sanction.

    "Whatever road I take, the guiding star is within me; the guiding star and the loadstone which point the way. They point in but one direction. They point to me.

    "I know not if this earth on which I stand is the core of the universe or if it is but a speck of dust lost in eternity. I know not and I care not. For I know what happiness is possible to me on earth. And my happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose."

    Ayn Rand; "Anthem"

  16. yeah, i guess when you have kids you want to leave the world knowing thier okay. I guess thats the only reason. There may be more but im not really an activist!

  17. Yes!

  18. because if you dont care you might as well be dead allready.

  19. Why should we get educated anyway when we are not sure we will get the job we want. Well at least we will be equip to be able to compete. Put it in another way, if there's really life after death we'll have a chance. That's debatable but a friend once told me, even if that concept is not true, living a good life makes a better person. Just a thought.

  20. I am not going to die. I am not my body.

  21. That's exactly why we should care : we're going to die  so  experience everything , live life to the full because one day you won't get that opportunity . If we  were going to live forever than we shouldn't care about anything because  eventually  it will get better , it'll get worse , it'll change  .. .


    Because we will die and maybe that's the end.

    Maybe there is no heaven-no h**l-no astral plane-nothing.

    Just returning from the ground from which you came.

    Knowing that I have a limit on this life dosen't make me feel like nohing matters.

    In fact it makes me feel like every moment matters.

    Every breath that I take is pprecious and sould be savored because one day this world will be gone from me.

    Everytime I see people i love and feel the love welling up in me I feel lucky that I get to be with them now.

    sieze the day.

    love every moment.

    make your life into YOUR LIFE

    because one day it will be gone.

    at least this life.

    who knows what will await us...

    Light and love

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