
Why should we clean upp the earth and do better stuff?

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why should we help clean our earth and do good stuff for it give me a good reason why and i will vote you as the best answer most convicing wins




  1. You want to know why we should clean up the earth and do better. How about because we don't want to make the world a trash can. You know everything you throw away actually goes somewhere. In the new movie wall.e the planet earth is full of trash and they send a robot there to clean it up. That could be use if we keep this up. Only we might not have any other place to go.

    Here are some statistic on how long it takes some things to Biodegrade:

    Cotton rags ~ 1-5 months

    Paper ~ 2-5 months

    Natural fiber rope ~ 3-14 months

    Orange peel ~6 months

    Wool socks ~1 to 5 years

    Leather shoes ~25 to 40 years

    Tin cans ~ 50 to 100 years

    Aluminum cans ~80 to 100 years

    Glass bottles ~1 million years

    Plastic on the other hand never biodegrades because it's man made and enzymes and the micro organisms responsible for breaking down organic materials don’t recognize them. As time passes plastic will eventually break down into smaller and smaller pieces. This is a mechanical process involving mechanical actions such as ripping splitting and falling apart. Plastic merely breaks up. No matter how small the pieces they are still and always will be plastic. they are not absorbed into or changed by natural processes. Dr Richard Thompson of the University of Plymouth says:" He estimates that there are 100,000 particles of plastic per sq km of sea bed and 300,000 items of plastic per sq km of sea surface. Barnacle, lugworm and amphipods hoover up the tiny plastic particles as they feed. Who eats the amphipods - the little fishes and who eats the little fishes? That’s you that is with your fish, chips and microscopic plastic particles. Petrochemical based plastic is made from a non renewable resource - oil. Waste on line states “ that 4% of the world’s annual oil production is used as a feedstock for plastics production and an additional 3-4% during manufacture.  every year thousands of animals die from eating plastic -including dolphins, turtles and seals.

    Also other things are just bad for our environment and can eat away at our ozone layer. Witch in turn makes it hotter and causes more skin cancer because the the ozones not their to protect our skin. smog comes from our cars and pollutes are air and gives some people asthma and other  problems including acid rain. Why should you clean up the earth why wouldn't you? unless you really think that your doing your self and the world some kind of favor by not recycling and doing better.

  2. Because this is our home and we won't live here anymore. So enjoy every minute of it, and to have a healthy environment for the next generation to come. We are killing are planet and everything else in side it. Thanks forthe question.

  3. Ever since third grade I've been told to help the enviroment. Do you realize what that will do for the earth and future generations. It will keep our earth togheter. More people would live! Just imagine how you'd feel if the people from the past didn't help the enviroment, we might've been dead right now. So try to help the earth, in any way you can, at all.

  4. Ultimately, the earth doesn't at all care what we do to it. Assuming you believe, like most people, that evolution explains the variety of life on the planet, there's not much we as humans can do to extinguish it. We as a species (or at least our furry ancestors) emerged out of one of the largest extinctions in history some 65 million years ago. Life adapts. Cockroaches will endure, and if we managed to kill off our species, maybe there's a bright future for cockroach people down the road.

    Anyway, I say all that to say this: your concern about the environment should be directly related to your concern for our species and the welfare of humans around the globe. Climate change stands to turn much of Northern Africa into an extension of the Sahara. And, on the opposite end of the spectrum, rising sea levels threaten to displaces millions if not billions, of people around the world.

    I'm going to go ahead and assume that you live in an industrialized country somewhere in the west, so the prospect of rising seas and growing deserts probably doesn't phase you, but think of everyone else less fortunate than you -- many of whom make their living in regions that will no longer be habitable. When they're forced to move, it's unlikely their governments will be able to provide for them, meaning millions of already impoverished people could die.

    That's an ugly scenario, of course, and probably one that's a little on the drastic side, but if you have any compassion at all for the suffering of people around the world, it just makes sense that caring for the environment means caring for them in the end. No one chooses to be born in Mali any more than she chooses to pop out in America. One of them, however, has the opportunity to save the other.

    Oh, and the woods and bears and wildlife and such are cool too.

  5. We should clean up after ourselves so we leave the next generation at least a reasonably clean environment.  We have spent many years not doing it.  who knows we may come back.

  6. 1. if you are a citizen of the us understand that our nation consumes over 30% of the world's resources and only makes up a 5th of the world's population - in other words we are consuming too fast and there is an unequal distribution of resources

    2. your health is a reason why you should care about the environment - ex: toxic chemicals cause cancer and hurt our environment

    3. one word - petroleum - it is in our nation's best interest to look for alternative fuels as oil is so expencive

    4. do you really want your children or grandchildren to look at a book see a picture of a polar bear and not know what it is?

    5. because lets face it we will all die and the earth will always remain - do you want to leave it dirty for future generations?

    6. because green is NOT the new black in any way and this new "go green" movement is fantastic but even after it dies down you must call yourself an environmentalist for your health and happiness and for the lives of future humans and ecosystems

  7. I think the earth is going threw a natural cycle , ye we helped speed it up some but I honestly think that no matter what we do recycle, walk instead of drive and such it will not change the fact that the world is doing what it has always done just maybe a little faster.

  8. well...

    poluting will cut down our ozone

    making things hotter

    killing polar bears

    just picture

    their little faces...drowning in the ocean...

    eventually, when all the ice caps melt, california and other border states will become flooded

    and the whole sun crashing into the earth is said not to happen for like another million years


    if your not planning to live that long, don't worry about it

    but i would watch what you throw away

    try to recycle

    and walk instead of drive

    having clean air would be nice too, wouldn't it?

  9. umm because if we don't global warming is just ganna get worst and if global warming takes over the planet will die because global warming is when the heat temperature of the planet gets higher (in other words the temperature starts changing) and if global warming gets worst just I'magine the cute little adorable polar bears dieing because people pollution kills the polar bears foods and they have nothing to eat and the worst part is that polar bears are in the rout of extinction and they live in very small lumps of ice. and plus you live in this planet so you don't want to destroy it. global warming doesn't just put animals life on the rout to extinction but puts our life in danger to. im a tree huger i no but if global warming takes over there will not be anymore trees left to hug. there for its very important to take care of our planet. thanks

  10. why should you even ask a question like that? there are many reasons why we should help clean our earth. We should because this is the gift we have to pass down to many generations to come. The earth has become so polluted from exhaust from cars to carelessly dumping dangerous chemicals into waterways. We might as well start now before it is too late.


    Breathing polluted air makes us sick. Eating contaminated food is making us sick. Drinking polluted water is making us sick. Killing the environment is making US suffer.

  12. well, it's actually for the future. it is so very unfair for your child or your grandchild not to ecperience or live with a healthy environment. and so, we should be doing OUR RESPONSIBILITY to be the STEWARDS of this unique blue planet. there can only be one home for all of us and this is so far the only planet that can sustain life. think of the other celestial bodies out there but it's very amazing how this one special planet survived. "The earth may happily survive without us humans, OR we may survive in a world we don't want to live in."

  13. We should all do our part to clean up the Earth because it is in dire need. The ozone layer protects us from harmful UV rays from the sun. Six percent or more of the ozone layer is missing which means that there is an increase in the risk of skin cancer. Global warming is this issue. The way to increase ozone is to plant trees, which decreases the level of CO2 in the ozone layer and it cancels it out. The amount of waste on Earth is at a critical level. We are running out of resources. The cars also release emissions that deplete the ozone layer. If we recycle and decrease how much carbon dioxide we release, the ozone layer can slowly but surely be repaired.

  14. it`s all for those cute little baby`s future and there happiness to look at a green , blue Earth

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