
Why should we consereve mangrove trees of india?

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Why should we consereve mangrove trees of india?




  1. sory i didnt get u (¯`·.A.·´¯)LOVE(¯`·.A.·´¯)

  2. we should not only save the mangrove trees of india but all the trees as we all know that deforestation is taking place all over india. we should presertve trees not only for us but also for our future generation. India is rich in mangrove trees but this doesn;t means that u will cut all the mangrove trees and do not preserve it so plant more and more trees.

  3. mangrove forests are typically found in swampy areas or marshlands are they are called, eapecially in Deltas ie., confluence of the river ending or flowing out into the sea- conserving them is useful to prevent fertile soil erosion from upstream and their vegetation binds the earth well, they also are known to prevent the sea tide from creeping inland- when the deadly tsunami struck parts of southern india in december 2004, areas of the coast with mangrove forests were somewhat spared i read somewhere.

  4. These are one of the very best example of flora/plants/trees that nature has in it's sleeve. They check soil erosion, especially near the coastal regions, their roots are called Pneumatophores.. meaning they breathe, you can find a large number of small Fishes, animals that live, and seek shelter around their roots.Due to heavy destruction of Mangrooves around the coastal belt of India, there was widespread destruction due to Tsunami, and the Super Cyclone in India near Orissa a couple of years back.

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