
Why should we dudes pay for things when we go out with girls? ?

by  |  earlier

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are girls not humans? i thought they always wanted to be treated as men's equals? why can't they pay for their own cotdamn food?




  1. you definatly got dumped recently.

  2. I am a girl and I absolutely agree with you.  We fought to get into the militarty, to vote, and to have jobs like policewomen and firefighters.  We have fought for hundreds of years to be equal, and when we get it, we still want JUST THE ADVANTAGES of when we were treated as unequal and inferior.  We can't have it both ways, ladies.

    My rule is whoever asked should pay.

    When a girl and guy have been officially dating for a while, as in boyfriend and girlfriend, bills should be split, or should take turns paying.

  3. well i like it when i guy pays for me because it shows that hes not poor and he cares about me

  4. well on the first date or two i feel he should pay because gentlemen do not make their dates pay on the first date, but after that we should rotate.and i have a feeling u just got dumped or something so go get laid and stop  complaining.

  5. Wait, what? Whenever I go out with a guy, I make sure I'm the first to insist on paying. You're putting every single woman into one spectrum, buddy.

    It's polite for either gender to pay, but it seems as though media has conveyed men as being the "dinner payers."

    Maybe you're choosing the bratty girls. Your problem, sir. :)

  6. because its nice and they'll pay you back later at your place.

  7. well it is just polite. if you have a problem with it then you must not be very gentlemanly.  

  8. From an "old school" male... Jess got it exactly right--if you care enough to ask her out, you should care enough to AT LEAST offer to buy!

  9. Dude, did you get kicked in the balls or something?

    I always pay.

    Stop being such a freaking b*****d.

  10. oh my god...dude, that's like the basic thing that a guy can do for a chick on dates.

    What a r****d...

  11. To be a gentlemen and not be seen as a b*****d!

    However,I'm not saying that the guy should pay for everything.That won't be fair on him.Both should have their turns on paying for things.

  12. Because it's simply courtesy. You asked the girl out, you should pay for her. Simple as that. It's also respectful and if you don't pay, you can come off looking cheap. Personally, i always insist on me payying, but i would like it if they payed still. Girls are complicated, that's how it is =] Good luck

    Seems like you got rejected or something.....Get over it lol. Just be a gentleman and quit complaining

  13. its about being a gentlemen

    you should at least be polite

    enough to pay for their food

    your never gonna get a girl if u act like that lol

  14. Ok well sometimes life is not really fair.  Girls like it when the guy pays  it make them feel special or something.  Its a nice thing to do but it might help your chances a bit when you ask her on another date.

  15. the thing is. women like to know they have their own money in their account and can easily take care of themselves, its only then that they like to be taken care of.

  16. 1] I always paid my own way. I never wanted to take advantage of some guy's wallet, or let them have false expectations.

    2] If you want to go a certain place [ basketball game,  watch you play baseball ], YOU should pay. If she wants to go to a certain place [ a chick flick,or the symphony ], SHE should pay.

    3] take turns picking dates and paying - unless one of you isn't working, or a full time student, or really poor, etc.

    My sons and their dates do the same thing.

    I have been married for 26 years.

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