
Why should we have to sit back and do what our goverment tells us to do so?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, with all this fuel increase and so called price inflation on housing. "We ellected this goverment", So when they step out of turn and constanly tax this and tax that to meet their budget (for war that is!) Is it not up to us to say, NO! We have had enough of you taxing us to the highilt, and bringing this ghost of a resession,(by the way there is no financial crunch or resession ongoing on.) Should we not be able to tell the goverment, wise up, get out or face the fact that, we can simply replace you!

The goverment is the payrol like everyone else!!!

Is it not time we all stude up and sayed NO!!!




  1. We the people have a voice.  Get out and vote in the November Election.  After all, your vote counts.    

  2. Its high time, but most people are afraid or to stupid . The goverment should fear the people .  Its strange how they ignore the voice of the people , the ruleing elite controlls them.

  3. Theemadmonkey,

    It's an election year.

    That's what voting is all about.


  4. I'm with you, but the people will have to be on the verge of death before a revolution ever happens.

    Nobody will revolt if life is still "pretty good"

    The election process is very slow and really doesn't work that well, but I'm not sure what else we could do.

  5. "Governments Govern by the Consent of those Governed"

    Think about it!  If the present administration does NOT have your consent, Alert your Congresspeople!

    Don't be silent!

  6. You vote for the government, the people who are your representative, if you fail to vote or vote for a person who will wildly spend your money on, oh lets say a 3 trillion dollar war, then you just have to live with the consequences, or you could have them impeached

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