
Why should we not carve trees??

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Why should we not carve trees??




  1. Would you like to be carved on by a tree?

    Of course not. but when you carve it leaves gaps for parasites and bacteria to enter through. your sending the tree to a earlier death. that's not a nice thing to do to one of the best oxygen providers, right?

  2. Probably because you'd get grounded for doing it.

  3. because they are living organisms and help the planet by breathing in carbon dioxide and breathing out oxygen.

  4. Probably because you don't want to get chased by an angry Greenpeace mob.

  5. Its actually very simple. All plants have a type of vessel called phloem. This is what carries the carbohydrates from the leaves down to the rest of the tree. These phloem vessels are very close to the surface and are often cut when carving a tree. They cannot be repaired and if enough of them are cut, the roots of the tree will die, as will the rest of the tree.

  6. Because when you cut the bark, you let in bugs and fungus that can kill the tree. Very unlikely, I think, but it can happen if enough people carve on the tree.

  7. Cause like us they are also living thing....they feel pain when u carve them...its just that they do not express their pain we humans keep doing these things....& its sad.

  8. When I see hearts and initials carved on trees, the first thing I do is wonder whether the couple is still together.  Their impact on the tree usually lasts longer than the relationship.

    This is vandalism, pure and simple, stemming from ignorance.  There are far more appropriate ways to express your feelings about someone you love.  If love is blind, who sees it anyway?

    Why leave a tree vulnerable to impacts from disease or insects because of an impulse you had when in the vicinity of a tree with something sharp in your hand?

  9. All plants have a type of vessel called phloem. This is what carries the carbohydrates from the leaves down to the rest of the tree.

  10. Here's a little bit more explanation on phloem vessels (and xylem if you cut enough). Flow between part of the plant is regulated by inputs and outputs from sink and sources. This movement is driven by differences in pressure. When the vessels are cut, the pressure is changed and the difference cannot be maintained. The phloem in the vessel cannot continue to move because there is no difference to drive the movement.

    Think of it like links in a chain. Upward pull on one link causes all the other links to follow. If you cut one link in the middle, then the bottom part of the chain cannot be supported and falls.

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