
Why should we not save endangered species?

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I have to write an essay on the pros and cons of saving endangered species. I have a pages and pages of pros but I cannot think of a single reason why we should not save endangered species. No "because human's are the best" type answers please.




  1. -because they will eat you

    -because there are tons of other species 99.9% similar to that one

  2. I don't necessarily agree but I will try to help you with the con.

    1.  Extinction of species is a normal part of the nature's evolution.  Extinction is a form of "survival of the fittest".

    2.  Saving some species (or the reintroduction of species into environments where they are "extinct") can have a negative impact on other species.  Saving a predator will diminish the level of their prey.

  3. Its expensive but i think that thats no matter because unless you want to go to h**l the i think we need to save all animals

    -the vegitarian

  4. well, the only con i can think of, and it's pretty big, is that no matter how noble your intentions are in saving endangered species is, it doesn't justify the means you go about doing it.  Saving endangered species is a perfect modern example of the ends justify the means.  the most unconstitutional law we have in the books is the endangered species act.  it trumps everything.  private property rights, human rights, freedom and liberty of american citizens, progress, economic growth all stunted.  it can stop any project in it's path, halt economic progress, etc.  it's a law with noble intentions that has gone way too far.  also, another negative is that once an animal is declared "endangered" it's almost impossible to remove it from the list, no matter how well the species is doing.  look at the grizzly for instance, even though it's no longer endangered, it's still on the list, and it's becoming a hazard to some local residents, but if you shoot it, even to protect yourself, watch out!  you'll be the one in jail.


    1.  legislators, environmental activists take advantage of peoples good will in enacting unconstitutional laws to protect endangered species.  the ends never justify the means.

    2.  once a species is declared endangered, it is nigh to impossible to remove it from the list, no matter how well the species is doing.  look up all the resistance when an animal is being considered taken off the list.  And liberty and protection of human life and property and livelihood be damned!

  5. That is very stupid but heres my answer. How nasty humans are to say such a thing. If there's no animals Earth would be boring. No sounds, no sight, no laughter. Plus, we eat animals as meat. Vote me for best answer!

  6. More species have disappeared from our planet than there are now. Its a natural process. I think that what lays behind the idea of saving endangered species is the wise notion that nature (like anything else) should be treated with respect.

    Beyond are on a mission....and motivation is less ecological than psychological...

  7. I'm sure the pros outweigh the cons on the reasons for saving endangered species.  One of the problems however, is actual interest of the people of the world at-large, to do anything about it.  I don't think many people in third world countries who scrape by every day to survive care much, nor are able to do much, about the scarcity of the humpback whale.

  8. Well, look at it this way, the species that are not gone, outnumber the ones that we have about 50 to one.   What if you save one, that should have died out, and in that species, say the green monkey from Africa, there is a disease, lets call it HIV, and this disease jumps from monkey to people, the monkeys are immune people aren't.   Millions start to die, millions more die,  how many should die before we see what a mistake was made.

  9. well endangerment of animals is natural in our everyday world and it happens thru nature so just let nature take its course also sometimes with the endangement of animals new ideas and theories come into play

  10. Thats a tough one. Maybe because most endangered species do not help the world. Like what does an orange and purple spotted monkey do(exaggeration)? They don't do anything to help us progress as a country. Why do we need a specific kind of bird if we have 20million other kinds? do you see what I mean?

  11. If a species is genuinely endangered, it should be saved if possible to maintain biodiversity.

    A possible negative result would be job loss and high cost.

  12. just say there arent any because there arent


  13. This is a great topic, as lots of relevant stories been in the news lately.

    First and foremost, you could mention that some of the animals that we "save" are a danger to humans and other animals. Wolves, as an example, are currently on the endangered species list. I have seen several stories of late of livestock being  killed (they don't eat them often, they kill for fun) and even people getting attacked! As this blog says, it's even attacked a child

    I read an article on a major news source that documented a wolf snatching a child. Luckily, the nanny was able to get it back.,2933,3540...

    Also, in the news today, Australia has been facing criticism for killing 400 kangaroos because the kangaroos are about to kill out a population of endangered lizards native to Australia.,2933,3566...

    Good luck on your report!

  14. Peoples tax money, meddling with the environment or natures course.

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