
Why should we oppose "the fairness doctrine?"?

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There is a movement afoot in the Democrat Party to reinstate "the fairness doctrine" because those proposing that action don't like hearing anyone speak out against their politics.

Seems like they don't understand or support what the Second Amendment of our Constitution has to say. So much for believing in freedom.

In Hillary Clinton's original health care proposal people would have been required to see only a doctor that had been assigned to them by the government. If you had preferred to go to you own personal doctor, and had done so, and the doctor had seen you, her government health-care system could have taken you and your doctor to court with the possible penalty of prison for both you and your doctor.

So much for freedom.

Here on YA we often hear people oppose our actions in Iraq and questioning whether or not we should do anything in Georgia.

So much for freedom.

There is a short commentary that was originally written in German that addresses what happened in Germany after the n***s came to power. It speaks very eloquently to why it is important to stand up for the freedom and rights of others, as well as our own.

It says:

First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Socialists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.

Liberals; do you get it now? Do you understand why it is as important to stand up for the freedom of others as it is to be concerned about our own?




  1. I agree...................100%

    we are in for a lot of trouble if we arent already....

    this has gone too far............

    the war on terror is vague ...they can lable anyone a terrorist.....including the innocent...they already have

  2. I think Democratic leaders like the idea of the fairness doctrine because so much of the "conservative" radio shows are really political hate speech dressed up as conservative ideas.

    Personally, I have little in common with people that listen to that dribble, but, would not seek to legislate them out of business.

  3. The Fairness Doctrine was set up before mass media was available when one newspaper towns was all the news the local people got. The idea was to force local media to give space to both candidates. This does not apply to today's media conditions so shouldn't even be considered by any party.

  4. Fairness and Freedom do not exist in this Country anymore. If you want America back you are going to have to get off your computer and take it back! Why have the people forgot that "We don't work for the Government, the Government works for us" and they are doing a crappy job! Isn't it time they were replaced? How much more can we afford?

  5. No it attacks the freedom of press.

  6. Oh no, they can't do that.  You don't understand.  It is not what is best for the people but what is best for the Party.  Tolerance as well as decision making are only good if you decide what they want.  Drive a big car?  You are immediately labeled.  Don't believe in man-made global warming (climate change now because we gotta have it both ways, ya know, what if we aren't right?), labeled a denier.  

    Freedom is for them, not us.  Don't forget, the Party is all.  

  7. There is no fairness doctrine.  It was repealed like 20 years ago.  LET IT GO!

    It's like opposing prohibition.  It's pointless.

    What does this have to do with the right to bear arms anyway (2nd Amendment)?

  8. We should oppose it because it is Communistic.

    I agree 100%

    Libs just don't get it.

  9. The "fairness doctrine" is anything but fair.

    Anyone who truly believes that the freedom of speech should apply to everyone must oppose it.

  10. a recent example is the housing mess CEO's and ironically, congress created. In capitalism, the CEO's and those responsible for messing up the housing market would all be bankrupt and out of jobs.

    Instead, congress bails all of them out and rewards them for their mistakes, oh and for trying. Gee if only i could get $40 billion dollars for "trying". Meanwhile, everyone working hard to stay in their houses and did it the right way don't get anything except for watching swindlers get handouts.

    The same thing could be said for Immigration right now.  

  11. The fairness doctrine violates everything the second amendment guarantees.  

  12. We should oppose it because it cuts off free speech.

  13. I see so many argue against the Fairness Doctrine with the idea that it will stop freedom of speech.  If anything it will increase fair and equal freedom of speech.  Right now the monopolistic hold that 5 large conservative telecom companies have over the radio, TV, and newspaper outlets of millions of Americans is shameful.  Why are these conservative telecom companies so afraid of opening up their monopolistic markets to different voices of opinion?

  14. Your god reagan ended the fairness doctrine: result corporate dominated news...NO NEWS just a show ....and the disaster of the bush crime family, and the destuction of our country.

    I have an idea, lets split the country in two, build a border fence, split the military, the nukes..., and yes even the debt. NO DIPLOMATIC CONTACT....There is too much bad blood, between us........Our side  would be very vigilant, keeping our weapons not come to visit.

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