
Why should we patronize such a country as China with the Olympics when they commit such atrocities in Tibet?

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Why should we patronize such a country as China with the Olympics when they commit such atrocities in Tibet?




  1. Speaking of hypocrisy let's consider the fact that Cuba has been boycotted and effectively isolated for the past 50 years and really hasn't done anything to anyone. China, by comparison, has one of the worst human rights records around and is a major supplier of arms to just about every trouble spot on the planet and they have most favored nation status. Why? Money, that's why. When a market the size of China is ripe for the picking all the human rights lip service goes right out the window.

  2. Compared to our atrocities in Iraq?

    Hyprocrisy will get you nowhere.

    Let the games begin!

  3. Short answer - we should not.  The boycott of the Beijing Olympics should be total.  And we should also boycott Chinese goods. In doing so, we should incidentally also be defending European and North American jobs and industries.

    And this boycott should continue in place until China is seen not only to withdraw from Tibet, but to put its nightmare house in order on human rights abuse, and on its grotesque environmental pollution that threatens us all.

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