
Why should we pay taxes so scum like this can claim benefits?

by  |  earlier

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  1. They are just playing a system that has been all twisted out of shape. Girls like this should be steralised because they just breed and have more pointless chavs sucking up the taxes.

    And for those of you defending them, next time you get your council tax breakdown, check how much of a percentage goes towards paying for other people to have a good time.

  2. How can people like this have overseas holidays at the tax payers expense. Most people are flat out working to pay their way through life and have nothing left for luxuries such as holidays. I would give such people three months notice to find a job. Failing to bother to find employment would then result in all the tax payers hand outs deleted. Those that will say there are no jobs to be had are kidding themselves. Immigrants can soon find jobs so why can't the permanently unemployed.  I am retired aged 71 and have been offered a number of jobs in the last few years. Perhaps it is because I worked from the age of 15 to 68 years and never drew a penny out the dole system.    

  3. Send em over here! i'll use them as bbq fuel.....

  4. Bloody h**l CelticSaint she looks bad enough with her clothes on. Sounds more like you propose to punish the town not her.

  5. Its not wise to label someone as scum based on a newspaper report which as you well know are often at best full of half truths and sometimes downright lies.  

  6. Good point...she probably was also given a 'legal-aid' solicitor which again WE have to pay for. What they should have done is take the fine out of her benefits 'giro' before she had a chance to spend it. I bet she's an unmarried mother who smokes and drinks using OUR money.

    It's time we stopped subsidising such scum.

  7. Absolutely sickening isn't it.

  8. If she is fit enough to holiday she is fit enough to work. Why is this woman on benefits? I blame the system, it is far too easy for bone idle shirkers to take advantage of. You really couldn't make it up!  

  9. It proves that being on benefits is a good s***w as they could afford a holiday whilst us tax payers work our backsides off!! Shame on them and the people above who do not see a problem with scum like her.

  10. For the same reason we would pay taxes to pay for your benefits if you ever find yourself in need of them.  

  11. Would a working person who did that not be scum then?

    It is NATIONAL INSURANCE that covers the welfare state, not tax.

    Tax goes to pay for illegal wars & MP's expenses.

  12. I would like to be gaffa taped to her head and have my pin pulled out.

    who would like to do the honours?

  13. They should have been tied to a wooden post in the centre of their town, and had excrement poured over them.

    Paraded through the town, naked, tied to another post for 3 days and  then thrown out of the towns boundaries. It worked in 500BC and it would work now.

  14. It's catch 22 >i'd feel sorry for anyone that actually had to work with the silly *****.

  15. putting them in jail costs even more taxpayer money.

  16. What an obese ugly w***e - look at her S****y tattooed arms, will you?!

    Shame the cabin door didn't open midair and the bítch fell out!


  17. How the h**l if she is on benefits can she afford to go abroad ****** h**l , mind you this is not an isolated case is it there are thousands of people like this that have no intention of working or doing anything to pay money back they owe. Blame our soft government who no matter how they try cannot keep track of what they pay out and how long people have been on benefit. And the ones that really need it in the meen time are left waiting.

  18. It's this country's welfare system that's at fault. Who can blame evil scum for wanting to exploit it?!

  19. deffo not, it pisses me right off to see chav scum like this spending my taxes on holidays abroad.....i can bearly afford to go away once a year, couldn't dream of doing it on the dole.

  20. And there was me thinking benefits were minimum payouts to cover essentials like food! Obviously she is getting too much if she can afford a holiday out of it as well! Even if she does get jailed for non-payment, the cost of that will be out of the tax payers' pockets as well!

  21. She can't pay her fines and yet can afford air tickets and the price of booze what it is you have to fairly well off to even get half drunk today. She managed to afford both and yet still pleads poverty  

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