
Why should we save endangered species?

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Please only serious answers. I am trying to write an essay. don't put cause they are cute even though they are.




  1. First of all, many species (including salmon) are on a catastrophic decline. Many of us, humans, eat fish like salmon, correct?

    Also, there is a bit of wisdom attributed to Albert Einstein which goes, like, 'if bees disappeared, mankind would be extinct in four years.'

    Forty percent of Quebec bees have already disappeared due to the so-called Bee Colony Collapse syndrome.

    Sadly, few young people are aware of even a simple fix, like Catch and Release fishing technique, that could save a lot of fish.

  2. Everything on earth has a value, such as your life as well as now the endangered great white shark and polar bears.  Whose to say one is better then the other, each has an importance, value and purpose. To not do anything to help each survive could be are own demise.  Good Luck! And it feels good to try to do the best thing for the good of the all!

  3. A good reason is that animals aren't as stupid as people think they are. We are not so much better than animals that we can just kill them off or anything like that.

  4. All animals have a right to evolution. Extinction should only happen naturally, when an animal no longer has the proper needs to survive.Unfortunately humans think they have the right to **** all over the planet.  Destroying all animals (including humans) needs to survive. It's our fault and we should try to make it right.

  5. Gosh, you're going to have a hard time trying to find a best answer because so many have given good answers.  Here is my input for what it's worth.  We definitely need to be more conscious and aware of the impact we have on our surroundings.  We assume that we are the most important beings/creatures on the earth, and we take, take, take from the earth.  But how much do we give back?  I don't know the percentage but I can tell you that it's not nearly as much as we consume.  So, in a larger context, it comes down to a moral obligation.  

    The next time you go to the zoo, pay attention to how many species are either endangered or threatened.  It's not very encouraging.  So many animals have been around longer than humans; yet those animals' numbers have dwindled over the last couple of centuries because of mankind's greed, fear, or lack of concern.  Think of the great white shark, a creature that has roamed the oceans for millions of years.  It is absolutely essential to the ecosystem.  This gives you one idea.

    Another great example is to consider the bald eagle here in North America.  The bald eagle was near extinction, but it is debated now whether it should be taken off.  Recovery programs have helped to bring the majestic bird back from the brink.  Think about how hypocritical it would be if that bird, the so-called symbol of American freedom, were to become extinct.  It sure wouldn't do much for our image, would it?  Perhaps this is something you can expand on.  

    All the world's wild animals are just trying to survive, and we are making it harder and harder for them.  Think about the rainforests and plains in South America and Africa that are being destroyed by human greed.  It is very likely that those places hold the keys to the origins of all life which could potentially be wiped out.  It also is likely that those places hold "super bugs", the highly feared bacterial and virusal life forms that could one day cause pandemics.  

    Along these same lines, think of other animals which are vectors for disease: rats, mice, flies. etc.  If we kill off the predatory animals (birds of prey, foxes, coyotes) which keep these vectors in check like, imagine the consequences we could face.  

    I hope these ideas will inspire you to do more research and come up with some other ideas.  Good luck.

  6. because we are all  connected ,

    when there are no more bees

    the bread cant grow

    and we cant grow beer either ,

    if you kill the frogs we will be up to our necks in mosquito's ,

    and if we don't save the ones in trouble what happens when cats become endangered .

    where will the concern stop or start for that matter

    will we also not try to save them

    and what about me

    i love cats ,

    ate one yesterday

    i worry about their future

    and my appetite of course

    guess i wil have to save myself

  7. I really don't see any future problems.  To see

    a real live eagle soaring through the skies.  To

    see a real live polar bear running across a

    snow covered plain.  To see a real live Panda

    Bear eating a bamboo shoot.  No point in

    going any further, I think you see my point.

  8. We shouldn't interfere with nature.

  9. Because we have a conscience. We know that the cause of most endangered species is due to our lust for more people, more roads, more and bigger houses, more power, more shopping centers, more, more, more.

  10. Because one day it may be us. . .

  11. Not just endangered species, but all animal life, due to the fact that all animal life is the legacy of mankind in general, take for example the American buffalo;

    The arrival of European Americans on the Plains in the late 1800s brought large-scale commercial hunting. The hides and the bones of the buffalo were shipped back east for commercial and industrial uses. Many more buffalo were killed for sport. The number of buffalo on the Plains diminished rapidly. Native Americans no longer had the many products that the buffalo supplied.  This decreasing food supply came at the same time that military operations on the Plains were forcing Plains Indians onto reservations. Along with the near-extinction of the buffalo came a drastic change to the Native Americans' way of life.  By 1889 less than six hundred buffalo remained in the United States. Today, because of careful management, there are now seventy five thousand buffalo in the U.S. In Kansas most of these are part of small herds on land under supervision of the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.

    Now as this example stated this one species of bovine provided a way of life for one culture till they were practically hunted out of existence by the arrogance of man.  And if we keep this pace up, man will be the cause of their own demise, because the extinction of any one species may eventually lead to the destruction of man as the aftermath.

  12. Ecosystem. One animal relies on another if to many are killed this upsets the balance causing types of animals not hunted to multiply and compete for human resources even more. Each animal prevents anyone one thing from dominating The Earth. Humans have a purpose as well in it their job is to eat some of the animals and balance out the system but this has not happened instead humans have disrupted the Ecosystem which keeps every thing in balance reulting in loss of food supply and toxicity and the enangerment of Earth.

  13. Us humans think we are superior to animals so humans think that they have the right to whipe out all species execpt their own. I think that all species are endangered as long as humans are around.

  14. I think whats important here is the 'ecosystem' or the food chain or the balance of nature.

    Once an animal or species has been removed (for whatever reason) from a certain area, or even if there is an overpopulation of certain species in an area, it can throw the natural balance of what is needed for other species to survive. So it can have a 'chain reaction' type affect and can harm the natural habitat for all species and or animals.

  15. to have uninterrupted 'gene pool'.

  16. Maybe we can learn their ways of lives, like how they predict earthquakes.

    We can learn from their body function and relate it to mechanical engineering. Birds link with airplanes.

    Or they may produce chemicals, like we need anti-venom from snakes for medical purposes.

  17. Because, while we have these animals here scientist might want to observe them, and when they go bye-bye we can't. Goodluck with your project.


  19. Loosing endangered species is permanent.  It does not return. It does not come back.  

    In general, biodiversity decreases, which may lead to the quality of the world decreasing, the ability to find new medicines (plant-derived) decreasing,  new ways of explaining science and evolution decreasing, understanding our own genetic traits and dispositions decreasing, and perhaps most importantly, our ability to see the world for only short term, and not long term, gain (e.g. economic instead of environmental) increasing.

  20. so that the earth will be a complete family on the earth and so that our future generations can come across them.and also so that the ecosystem will be balanced.EXAMPLE:if the tiger family is extinct, the number of deers will go up and there will not be any trees left(deer eats leaves of the trees).which causes global warming and after few years,will be extinct.:(

  21. Actually there is no good reason to interfere in the natural process of species dying off.  This process has been going on since the beginning of the earth, man has very little if anything to do with it, it is just the way of life.  Mostly these programs are "feel good" programs which do nothing helpful for the world, except make some think they are doing "good works".

  22. because we caused them to be endangered in the first place

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