
Why should we teach children English language since they already speak English?

by Guest10929  |  earlier

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  1. Its important that children grow up knowing how to speak correctly, there is no guarantee that their parents have the capabilities to teach them correct English especially if it is not their 1st language.

  2. To learn the correct pronunciation and grammar..

  3. grammar !! writings etc

  4. Are you serious?  Just take a look on Yahoo...people don't know grammar from a hole in the ground.

  5. Normally, we speak the language very casually. Children needs to learn the formal way to use it. We teach following in each language to children

    1. Grammar

    2. Semantics

    3. Situational Use

    4. Actions and their meaning

    5. Literature

    6. Formal Office Use

    7. Public usage

    8. Newspaper usage


  6. ...Children need to learn to function as adults - this will take years of learning - and the English language has many words in it.

    ...Children must learn to communicate clearly, by learning proper grammar and how to correctly put sentences together.  They also need to know parts of speech.

    ...They do need to learn proper English, and this is what we speak in the United States.

  7. Because the English language is a complicated language and even at a native adult speaker, there are still new words to learn. The teaching of English should also include book reading, grammar, and writing.

  8. even though english is taught, it's not always spoken well even by english first children. i am an educated adult and i rarely speak perfect english (even less w/ my grammar).  it's just good ta know - ya know?

  9. It's more like teaching them grammar and spellings.

  10. So children know the correct words to use instead of slang, and also how to spell and use punctuation.

  11. Because they need to understand why it is and how it is spelt. Also, they only learn how to SPEAK it, not write, spell or read, and seeing as there are so many words that sound the same but mean different things, this is essential.

  12. well if you found yourself in such position then i very much doubt you would know how to spell, and then you would not have much options for high paid jobs where you would be making spelling mistakes in every word, also u would not be able to speak on a proffessional level with customers and etc.

  13. because they need to know how to use it properly. as i'm sure you've noticed in this site, people's spelling and grammar are horrendous!!!

  14. Because, in the real world, I am going to look at a resume like this and toss it in the garbage:

    "i hope your going 2 hire me cuz i work hard n I wont this job realy bad when can i start"

  15. Look at some of the appalling grammar, spelling and sentence structure on this very site!

  16. Because many children do not know how to use it correctly. They are taught English by their parents in most cases and usually don't know every word, puntuation, or correct grammar. The schools teach it so that the kids will get a better grasp on it.

  17. English class in an American school is not necessarily about learning how to speak English but rather the proper usage as well as spelling and grammar. If you look around Yahoo Answers for more than a second you will see that we are not doing a very good job of it.

  18. If you listened to the conversation of some kids these days you'd know why they need English lessons.

    After over-hearing numerous loud conversations of teens in my gym, I discovered that most litter their sentences with "like" "y'know / y'know what I'm sayin'" "innit".

    Don't get me started on txt spk (which I've probably spelt incorrectly).

  19. Doesnt mean they can speak english they would be able to know what vocab, verb, and etc. so its best to learn on paper like comprehension, essays and etc rather than just orally.

  20. They might speak it but they can't write it, which is what is taught in English lessons!!  Look at some of the questions and answers posted on's full of text language and c**p acronyms and that's all because they're are learning the language using predictive text and spell check.

  21. are you trying to say that a 8year olds english is at the same level as yours?

  22. So they don't look like complete imbiciles when they grow up.

    It irks me when people can't even type and/or speak their native language correctly.

  23. For spelling, verb tenses, etc.

  24. I'm not sure if you mean bigger words, grammar, or what?

    But if you don't teach a child English, or any other language for that matter, they'll forget it, or they'll never learn it.

    Grammar is important for reading and writing and expressing points. A larger vocabulary is important for when you are older because most adults have a large vocabulary, and what use is it trying to speak with them if you have to use a dictionary for every other word they use?

    That's why. To better their reading, writing, speaking and even thinking skills.

  25. Because there is a lot to the English language other than just the words we speak. It teaches about propositions, verbs, placement of words or colons for example. Anymore these days the language has fallen into ebonics, and that's why we need the classes to veer away from the wrong English language.

  26. I'm an English teacher. English classes usually don't focus on *speaking* English. Instead, they focus on reading and writing English. You'd be surprised how many of my 10th graders read and write poorly. Even the students that are good technical readers and writers need to learn how to read and appreciate what they read, or to write with style and flair. Of course, our school also has a large proportion of immigrants who need to learn to speak the language as well.

  27. Take a look around Yahoo! Answers.  It is painfully clear how poorly the average young person's English grammar and spelling are.

  28. to achieve proper grammar , and spelling , and use of words. it comes in handy when you need to write a 10 page essay for the un convincing them that g*y marriage should or should not be legal.

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