
Why should we (the tax payers) bail out Freddy Mac and f***y Mae?

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If those banks failed it means they are a failure. Just like airlines, if they fail, they fail. If I fail will someone bail me out? no! If you fail will someone bail you out? No. I dont think our tax dollars should bail out government made companies.




  1. I don't feel like its the tax payers job to bail out stupid people who don't know how to read. Everyone knows that fine print on applications can get you into trouble. If you don't know what your signing, then don't sign it. PERIOD!!!!!

  2. Obviously, Society does not think it right for government to bail these people out at the expense of those who were diligent in their affairs.  government does not have the right, or Constitutional authority to force Society to do what it does not wish to do in this matter.  

    That being said, government has it's Masters and it's not the people.

  3. gosh whats wrong with you,just because they bought to much house  and owe more than the house is worth what do you want them to do sleep in a box under a bridge,lets keep a nice roof over their head,

  4. We shouldn't.  But Wall Street has more lobbyists than the taxpayers...

  5. I don't think we should.

    If we had a business and it did not work out the government would not help keep our business going.....I say f*ck 'em

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