
Why should we use ethanol as an alternative source of energy in the Iraq war?

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Why should we use ethanol as an alternative source of energy in the Iraq war?




  1. It would be a military lose for us... It takes much more time and energy to make Bio fuels then it does to process fossil fuels. Also whats the point? We are killing people may as well just kill the earth at the sametime.. ( kill two birds with one stone!)

  2. Yes, why should we mandate the use of ethanol as an energy source in the Iraq war?

    If we require the use of ethanol in that war we are just giving our soldiers one more headache to deal with.

    Our soldiers have enough to do chasing down and killing the terorists without having to worry about where to get ethanol and how to convert the military vehicles to run on ethanol.

    We should focus on winning the Iraq war. We should not be playing around with schemes to mandate the use of ethanol and waste our soldier's time figuring out how to convert the vehicles to run on ethanol and where to find the ethanol.

  3. So that large agribusinesses don't miss out on the opportunity of s******g up the world for profit. Why should big oil and the military-industrial complex have all the fun?

  4. that is just about the worst thing that could happen to this planet ,

    the overall production produces more carbon than all of the motor cars and industrial pollution of the whole planet put together.

    Apart from that it will poison the soils with the fertilizers,contaminate the waters with the pesticides,and wipe out all of the indigenous flora and fauna i the process;...

  5. We shouldn't.

  6. because their fighting on top of one of the world's biggest gas cans.

    why make ethanol, ship it across the world, when they have all the fuel they need right there?

    and some think halibrton is overcharging now....

  7. We should use it to power whatever mode of transportation will be BRINGING OUR TROOPS HOME.

  8. what? military vehicles will not run off of ethanol, nor will jet engines, they run off kerosene or diesel? may need to re-word your question

  9. There isn't enough suitable farm land in all the U.S.A. to provide bio-fuels adequate to power the vehicles we now drive right here at home.

    If we were to use that source for energy, we won't be able to grow any food.

    Ethanol production has already pushed up the cost of our groceries. The price of everything from milk and eggs to beef, pork, chicken, and bread are increasing because of ethanol production NOW.

    Need I say more? I can give lots of documentation to back that up, but common sense applied to this topic will quickly reveal the truth of what I am saying.

  10. Because "they" ain't makin' dinosaurs any more and we can grow more ethanol as we need it.  Until something better comes along this sounds good to me.  Just wait and sometime someone will come up with something better.

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