
Why should western nations NOT intervene with civil conflict?

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Why should western nations NOT intervene with civil conflict?

Why shouldn't western nations (rich countries) and the UN intervene with civil conflict, some example would be nice to suppport your answers

Thanks in advance ^-^




  1. because we should lead by example. Our country/media/politics, are corrupt as all h**l. When we try to implement our policies on other countries, when ours are inherently flawed, people get mad.

    I feel we should lead by example, not by force.

    We have troops in over 180 countries around the world... yet we cant protect our own borders? Come now.

    Globalization is generally viewed as a good, needed thing for human progression. Yes, i agree it is a natural progression.... But what is happening, is that the systems that are being globalized, only give power to a few eilte percent of the population, and keep the whole world in ignorance. Other countries are aware of this, and are really mad. Even americans, such as myself are catching on to this, and it angers me deeply. When you understand how this whole big thing is destroying our basis for morality, you understand why it is so important that we do a complete 180, immediately.

    Oh, and as far as an example... How about the Constitution, that says dont get involved with the problems of other countries? Thats a pretty good one...

    Oh, and the fact that any educated person knows that many of the problems of other nations at the moment, stem directly from UN involvement in the first place. A lot of wars they have waged, they wage under the guise of Humanitarianism... Little wars, that not much is heard about, and 99% of american just overlooks. In the end, all they are really doing is taking control over governments. Its really scary when you have the ability to put the pieces together. I want to know what my government has to say to people like me, who go around every day knowing this stuff, and feeling helpless about it. They have really messed us up in a bad way. I start speaking about these things, and people think im nuts. The thing is, I have acually taken the time to do the research, something 99%  of them fail to do in the first place.  The more research I do, the more I hate my government.

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