
Why should women have rights to have a job?

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in my opinion,it will not only make contributions to the family but also to the society. what do u think about?




  1. Because there are no reasons that they shouldn't have rights to a job. The only reasons people offered before the second wave of the feminist revolution were bible, femininity, un-womanly, family, purpose of being wife and mother, and all that form of other c**p. Do these reasons have any logical basis? NO. Can each of these reasons be disproved? Absolutely. So: There is no reason a woman shouldn't be allowed to hold a job or career if she wishes to hold one.

  2. "Women need to learn that their place is in the kitchen, not the workplace." - Jesse F

    Ok, well when you start making more than $20,000, maybe we'll have a chat about that. In the meantime, if I had a child right now, not only would my company pay for day care, I would get 100% benefits for myself, my partner and my child. I don't want to hear any more garbage about the cost out weighing the benefit when it comes to child care.

    Not working would cost me way more than many of the "MY WIFE HAS TO STAY HOME" men that post here. There aren't that many men that can afford to provide for a wife and a baby on one salary. Yes, some are that fortunate, but they have to learn to budget. I refuse to cut my spending when I don't have to.

    Stay at home? Why? So I can drive a c**p car and wear clothes from 2 years ago for the rest of my life because we're struggling to make ends meet? Sorry, not for me.

  3. Women have always been expected to work throughout history, it has not been a 'right' but something they did out of economic necessity.  it would never have occured to most people, men or women, to work if they did not have to.

    personally, I think work is highly overrated, and would much rather be at home with the children, but a lot of women seem to be keen on it for some reason.  There's no accounting for taste.

  4. Because everyone should have the right to determine their own path in life..

    Not to mention that people not working, regardless of gender are a burden and strain on our economy.  The more people who work and generate income the better off society is as opposed to paying to clothe, house, and feed those who dont earn.

    All women should learn some kind of job skill for what is a women to do if her husband were to leave her, become incapable of work or even die with mouths to feed?  What than?  Work low wage jobs and milk off society for food stamps?

    I dont understand men who want a women in the kitchen when a working women full time can double your household income.  With that extra money hire someone to do your dishes.

  5. There is not any question.

    Of course women should have the right to have a job,

    Are you kidding me?


  6. Everyone should have the right to experience the dirty trick our Government/IRS has played on us.

  7. because heck no am I spending my life popping out babies when this world is already way too populated.

    I'm going to become a veterinarian and join wildlife organizations. I'm going to travel the world, to places like Africa and the middle east. More importantly, I'm going to make a difference in the human race: and this does not include staying home all day to take care of kids.

    Women make a huge difference in this world, especially with charity organizations (most are headed, founded or run by women). Many also aid major businesses, become inventors, and progress our race as a whole. If they did not work, not only would our economy fail, but many other problems would occur

  8. Women need to learn that their place is in the kitchen, not the workplace.

  9. Why shouldn't we?

    We need jobs to earn money, and to do something with are life's we like.

    Everyone should have the right to have a job, even if they choose not to work, the choice should be there anyway.

  10. Women are humans too they should have the same rights as men.

  11. Because sometimes women find that they really need a job, same as men, and it's great that we don't have to sell ourselves or live in squalor or rely on the charity of strangers in order to get by. Women can also make contributions to society, as you said.

  12. um.. They are Humans not house pets and part time Hookers.

    ( well some are hookers )

  13. because if they don't they'll have to go on the dole and society will collapse

    why should men have rights to have a job?

  14. Well, aside from the fact that you've overlooked the fact that contributions to child-rearing and the family unit also contribute to collectivities, communities and to society. That's a job they not only have a right to, but are expected to do without compensation, regardless of whether or not they have a paid job on top of it.

  15. I think the whole world would be a better place if women would stay in there place and be keepers at home like the bible says and then maybe more children would be raised be their own mothers and not some stranger.

  16. In a tight economy, men go to jail if they can't pay child support.  Shouldn't they be given preference instead of the other way around?  Sure women can work...but I'd rather stay home with my son-it's much easier.

    I know, I stayed home 6 months (lost my job) when my son was born, changed his diapers, etc.

  17. No one should have a right to a job.  They have to provide something valuable in exchange for pay.  Otherwise you will reward people for lacking ability.

  18. When your a single parent you HAVE to work or go welfare and I will NOT do that. so YES a women has a right to work if she wants a job go for it.

    If she can stay at home that should be her choice also. this is America everyone has a right to a job no matter the gender. God Bless

  19. if the man cant work, he might have physical problems, then the woman should.

    and they make more money that way.

  20. I think that women should have to spend the drudging endless days, just like men, wishing the day was over so they could go home and enjoy the moonlight and relax.

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