
Why should you fix Your Dog if they wont have any contact with other Dogs?Is it Cruel Not to fix them?

by Guest59191  |  earlier

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If You live in a very isolated area and have a Big Fenced Backyard why should you fix your dog if it wont have any contact whats over with other dogs?

is it cruel to leave them un fixed?




  1. Spaying or neutering is actually one of the best things that you can do for your dog. It doesn't matter if they will or will not have contact with another dog.

    The average dog lives between 12 and 21 years, and there is no possible way that in that time span that you can guarantee that your dog will never make contact with another dog. All it takes is ONCE for one dog to sneak in, or your dog to sneak out.

    A male can mate three times in a week every week. A female can mate once every few months. The puppies they produce can begin repopulating by their sixth month.

    By having your dogs fixed, you can completely eliminate their suffering during the heat seasons. A male can smell a female in heat up to three miles away directly, the scent can be carried MUCH farther, and he's so completely miserable because ALL he wants to do is get out and mate. By neutering him you can make him more comfortable in his own home, and he'll be able to concentrate on more important things.

    Females go into estrus (heat) every three to four months, when they come into heat not only is it incredibly bothersome for them, but if they succeed in finding a mate ALL nutrients they have in their body go to caring for their growing puppies. Then when they birth the puppies, it takes all of their strength to birth and further care for them, and then the puppies literally drain her energy from her by nursing.

    Leaving a dog in-tact raises the chance of testicular and ovarian cancer by 83%. It also raises the likeliness that they will escape once or twice throughout their lifetime, and all it takes is one escape for your dog to be hit by a car, lost, or severely injured. All it takes is once for your dog to impregnate another or become pregnant.

    Just because no one lives around you doesn't mean animals can't and don't wander around your property.

    Do it for the safety of your dogs, the comfort of your dogs, and because you want your dogs to live longer. Do it because its the right and responsible thing to do for your dogs. Do it because its the best way to save shelter dogs from further destruction because of irresponsible owners.


    your dog will live longer and healthier lives if you get them spayed and neutered.  check out the low cost spay and neuter programs in your local shelter

  3. They're at an 80% risk for cancer.

    It doesn't matter if the yard is fenced in. If a dog smells a b*tch in heat, they're dig under, go over, ect through the fence just to get to her.

  4. they can get testicular or ovarian cancer.

  5. They can live longer and will be well behaved.

  6. I once knew a guy that had a 6 foot privacy fence and an unaltered female german shepard. She came in to heat. He never caught her out of the fence, he never saw another dog in with her, but still... 2 months later he had a batch of german shepard/sneaky neighbor's dog pups.

    Personally, as a child, we had a brittany spaniel that we bred with the neighbor's cocker spaniel. We kept her up in the dog pen while she was in heat. 2 months later, we had a beautiful litter of 7 brittany/cocker spaniel pups, and 1 little beagle whodunit!

    A fence, is no guarantee that your dog won't mate.  

  7. it is possible for your dog to get breast cancer if you do not fix her.

  8. Dogs like 12-15+ years..  you cannot possibly guarantee 100% that your dog will NEVER come in contact with another dog during that time frame!

    big fenced yard out in the country?  Sounds like a great place for people to drop off their unwanted dogs actually!

    Its healthier to spay and neuter.

    In Males, neutering prevents testicular and prostate cancer.  It prevents unwanted behavoirs like roaming, marking, humping, and aggression.  The male will be a better pet because he's more focosed on YOU and less concerned about finding a mate, or seeking a rival male to fight.

    In Females.. spaying prevents uterine and mammary cancers, and also prevents deadly uterine infections.  It stops the messy heat cycle, during which she is also moody.  Unspayed females also display hormonal behavoirs like marking, humping, roaming, and aggression.. spaying will reduce this.  A spayed female makes a better pet because she's not as moody, and is more focused on you because she's not concerned with seeking a mate.

    Unaltered dogs act miserable at times, pacing, fussing, whining.. wanting to seek a mate.  Unless this is a dog that is going to be used for showing and breeding, I think its cruel otherwise to leave them intact.

  9. I don't feel that it's "cruel" to NOT fix a dog, but I have read reports that say that dogs live healthier longer lives IF they are fixed.  My first dog was a border collie.  I got him when I was 5.  He lived with me for 16 years and we lived in the country in a very rural area.  He never saw other dogs, etc.  And he never once visited a vet.  Ever.  He refused to get in a car.

    Before you think I'm a terrible owner, that was in the 1960's so animal rights weren't the same then as they are now.

    Good luck with your decision.

  10. Not fixing can cause some unwanted behaviors and expose them to some health issues that they would avoid by neutering or spaying.  A male dog can smell a female in heat from quite a distance - so is you have a male he might jump the fence or dig out to get to the female. If you have a female you might end up with a pack of male dogs outside your fence.  

  11. If u want a longer and healthier life for your dog then fix it.Because it may get breast cancer or testicular or ovarian cancer if not fixed.

  12. Because it prevents lots of diseases later in life.  It also eliminates roaming to find a mate which gets dogs killed by cars alot.  So, if you don't want to have your dog around for as long as possible then don't get him fixed.  A female should be fixed to prevent disease too and it does away with false pregnancies and pyometra.  

  13. Well, no I don't think it's cruel not to have them fixed if they are confined.

    So I assume that the dog is never let out of the yard for any reasons and there is no way another dog can get in or yours get out?  Lets see they can't dig in or out, or nether can climb over the fence.  Are you sure?  Well don't be.  When it comes to mother nature where there is a will there is a way.  

    And then there is the fact that there are less problems with fixed animals.

    Females don't spot the furniture, or carpets, or floors.

    Males don't mark there territory.

    So it is up to you.  Good luck 2u.  

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