
Why should you get solar panels?

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what are positive effect on using them?




  1. They would do me good as I live on the 10th floor of a 30 story building

  2. Well, a "positive" effect would be that they conserve energy, but they are very expensive, and unreliable as a power source. (What happens if the sun isn't shining, and you want to use your computer, or turn on a light?) I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

  3. Using a solar panel is a simple but easy way of keeping and maintaing a healthy ozone and atmosphere

  4. They make electricity without burning any fuel. But they are expensive, so unless you are rich and like to throw money away on neat technological gadgets, or unless you have no access to the electric grid, you shouldn't get them. The demand now exceeds the supply and prices are going up.

  5. Living in the U.S.Southwest where temps easily go over 100 degrees during the summer, I have my AC unit on solar power. My electric bill went from $280 per month to $60 per month, which is what I usually pay during the winter for the whole house. Some people do their entire homes and sell what they don't use back to the local power company. We also have traffic lights that operate on solar power. FYI. 100 miles of solar panels on each side of the Mojave Desert can provide electricity the entire lower 48 states. There is also a Canadian company that is delveloping a way to harness the UV rays, so it won't matter if it's a cloudy day.

  6. In the long run they will probably save you money, and will add value to your house.  And they will save power, so are helpful environmentally.

  7. well if you live in Florida it would run your house.  they are not effective up north though

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