
Why should you not litter i am doing a speech?

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Why should you not litter i am doing a speech?




  1. Try checking out some websites for some statistical info. Or even check out "the green book" -- it has really neat stats - for example, the amount of paper that americans dont properly dispose of each year can make a 12 foot high wall stretching from Los Angeles to New York City

  2. you shouldent litter because there is no one except cummunity service that would pick that up and eventually i will just pile up

  3. Go to my website, , take a good look at what you see....then, imagine it with cigarette butts, beer cans, McDonalds hamburger wrappers and the usual garbage people freely throw out of their vehicles laying around and included in those photos and see if you can't figure out "why you shouldn't litter"...

  4. For some things, littering can be a better choice than sending things to landfill.

    Yes, think of grass clippings littering the lawn, or even mulching the garden.

    Is a bit of paper on the soil at road edge worse than a bit of paper in landfill? ecologically it may be much better as it at least breaks down there and becomes soil.

    A banana peel on the lawn? How awful, yet it will become fertility so that you need not add chemical fertilizer.

    In the dump, the landfill site most of those products would convert to methane, and we really do not want that in the atmosphere, where it would mostly go.

    Spreading vegetable matter of all kinds over the surface of the globe is not a problem, Landfilled plant matter is. Landfilled dog or cat poo is a problem. Distributing it, dried, into the soil surface is part of a natural cycle that maintains soil fertility.

    I am not really dedicated to littering, just asking that we not inappropriately consider landfill a superior solution in all cases.

  5. Well, first of all, you should n't litter because it is of good moral values that you do not litter. It is inconsiderate to litter as you are just chucking rubbish on the floor, making others to be forced to clean up after you. It also shows how lazy you are as you can't be bothered to put your own rubbish into the bin.

    Second of all, you shouldn't litter because it makes germs spread more easily. Germs grow on food, and if you throw food on the ground, germs will grow and flies will be attracted. The whole area will be turned into a plagued area. You might even attract mosquitoes to lay eggs as water bottles and plastic bags accumulate water when it rains, providing mosquitoes with the perfect habitat to reproduce.

    Third of all, it may make more accidents happen. If you leave nails on the floor, an a car's tyres just happen to plunge into it, the driver is going to be in trouble. You also might leave a banana peel on the floor and someone will slip and fall.

    Response to an answerer* you said that littering will help fertilize the soil. That is not a must. It depends if you drop the banana peel on the road or on the soil. And if you want a proper method to help "fertilize" the soil, you can use worm bins or compost heaps. They are way more effective at fertilizing the soil than just throwing rubbish all over the floor at random places.

  6. common sense

  7. its just wrong and they are littering their own home

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