
Why should you put ice (24 hours) then applying a warm compress (2+ days) after wisdom teeth surgery?

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I got my wisdom teeth removed Wednesday morning. For the rest of Wednesday I iced my face (as it was getting more swollen). For Thursday, my face was getting more swollen and continued to ice it. According to my doctor's directions, I should apply heat to my swollen area; I just started today. What is the significance of applying ice then heat after wisdom teeth extraction? Why does my face swell up and how long does it take? Tell me as much info about recovery.




  1. It keeps the swelling down. My friend had it and was puffy for about a week.

  2. The swelling that is normally expected is usually proportional to the surgery involved. Swelling around the mouth, cheeks, eyes and sides of the face is not uncommon. This is the body’s normal reaction to surgery and eventual repair. The swelling will not become apparent until the day following surgery and will not reach its maximum until two to three days post-operatively. However, the swelling may be minimized by the immediate use of ice packs for the first 24 hours ONLY. Two plastic bags filled with ice, or ice packs should be applied to the sides of the face where surgery was performed. The ice packs should be used 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, while you are awake. After 24 hours, ice has no beneficial effect. If swelling or jaw stiffness has persisted for several days, there is no cause for alarm. This is a normal reaction to surgery.

  3. Cold only works the first 24-48 hours or so. The cold slows down the swelling process. Heat will help move the inflammation out of your tissues faster, as the heat increases circulation. That is why you are told to use ice first, then heat.

    If you had surgery on Wednesday, you should be feeling pretty good now. The swelling should have started to subside by now(not gone, but getting less) and you should be sore, but not in real pain.You will have holes where the teeth were for several weeks and they will heal from the inside out over the next few weeks.If you have stitches placed, you may have to have them removed, unless they used ones that dissolve over time. Start eating whatever is comfortable, but try to avoid chewing in the very back of your mouth. Use your head, if it hurts to eat something, don't eat it. Do not try to fish out any debris from the extraction sites.Gently rinse with warm salt water to dislodge any debris. Finish all of your antibiotic, if prescribed and if Advil or Tylenol can relieve your discomfort, use that over any narcotics. You should be feeling pretty good by Monday. Not 100% yet, but pretty good. Hope that was helpful.

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