
Why should you wear a seat belt?

by Guest10973  |  earlier

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Why should you wear a seat belt?




  1. So you don't get ejected out of your car, seriously hurt or die if you happen to get into an accident. It's very important, please wear your seat belt. 14 yrs ago, my best friend and I were in a really bad car accident, we both were not wearing seat belts, for some god known reason, i made it alive (with serious injuries) and she didn't. SHE DIED. I was 19 yrs old at the time & she was only 16 yrs old. Pretty shocking huh?

    it's gonna make me sad again to talk about this, so i'll stop. But please....even though I don't know you, I want you to live & be safe while your driving. PLEASE WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT EVERY TIME YOUR DRIVING OR RIDING IN ANY CAR & please drive safely every day.

  2. In case of a collision it will:

    1) keep your head out of the windshield

    2) keep you from knocking out your front teeth on the steering wheel

    3) keep you in place when the airbag deploys, preventing you from suffering a broken neck

    4) prevent you from suffering blunt force trauma to the head (the leading cause of death from auto crashes)

    5) because it's just plain stupid NOT to wear one.

  3. ok..... my cousin died when a truck forced his car off the road while he was with his friend. my cousin wasnt wearing a seat bealt but his friend was, guess who died???

    ya my cousin. and his friend survived. My cousin fell out of the car and the the car rolled over him. his friend stayed safely in his seat with his seat belt ON and he only got a few cuts. The seat belt works, dont be a dumb donkey and not wear yours


    this is why you should wear a seatbelt!

  5. I got into a head on collison going 55 into a car going 60 and had a bruise across my body where my seatbelt was.  Im living proof of why you should wear a seat belt because there is no doubt in my mind i would be dead if i didnt have on. i still spent 6 weeks in the hospital 3 in intensive care and still cant walk normal. my lower body slid under the steering wheel and it clamped down my legs and it took 1hour to get me outta the car and if no belt i would have smashed my face into the windsheild and wheel.

  6. that is really a lame question. If you don't understand the safety factor try to understand the seventy five dollar fine factor.

  7. So that maybe you will live if you are in a crash.

  8. My car stops faster than I can... every now and then the guy in front of me happens to hammer his brakes... and then I have to follow suit. I find myself slipping out of the seat and the seatbelt is keeping me in place. Now if I can actually come out of my seat because I'm stopping so fast WITHOUT hitting someone, I don't want to think about how bad it will be if I actually do hit someone...

  9. You should wear a seat belt only if you plan to keep on living.  If you are planning to die and/or get a ticket then don't put on a seat belt.

  10. It is for your own safety.

  11. helps channel energy around your body

    saves lives most of the time

    keeps you from striking steering wheel and going out the windshield.

    keeps you positoned during impact (less chances youll break your spine.

    keeps you from flying all over the car during rollover

  12. best reason is that it will help save your life...... now if you really want to know  do a simple test hit a pole without one and if you live hit another with one on then you will know why

  13. If you have an accident it stops you from smashing your face on the steering wheel. It stops your jaw from being wrenched off your face. It stops you from being thrown from the vehicle. It stops you from becoming a human missile and hitting other passengers in the car and killing them.

    Also when cornering at speed it stops you falling out your seat!!!

  14. You shouldn't cars now are so safe that if your head goes flying off the windshield at 45 MPH it will actually feel good. So remember wearing a seat belt is for suckers. All the cool people ride without seatbelts.

    Sadly I'm lame so I wear my seatbelt all the time.

  15. Do you know how we can tell the difference between people who were wearing their seatbelts and those who weren’t, at the scene of an automobile accident?

    The ones who were wearing their seatbelts are standing around saying “This really sucks,” and the ones who weren’t are kinda just lying there.

    This is not to say that all unrestrained traffic accidents are fatals, or that seatbelted folks are invulnerable.

    In a collision, you have three or four sub-collisions all taking place in sequence.

    First, the vehicle hits some object. The vehicle abruptly slows, but unrestrained objects inside it continue at the same speed, in the same direction.

    Then the unrestrained body hits the interior of the vehicle, and starts to slow.

    That’s the second collision. That body’s internal organs are still moving at speed until they hit the inside of the chest (or get cheese-sliced by their supporting ligaments—and that’s where you get things like bisected livers or aortas).

    The fourth collision is when your buddy who was riding in the back seat lands on your head, because he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt either and he kept moving at the same speed in the same direction. Newtonian physics: Learn it, live it, love it.

  16. Seat belts save lives besides being the law! It's plain and simple!

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