
Why shouldn't George Bush be tried as a criminal?

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The 43rd president of the United States of America, is a criminal. Plain and simple. He and his administration have destroyed the US constitution, ignoring Individual rights, that he swore to uphold at inauguration ceremony. He has violated the UN human rights agreement, along with the Geneva convention, to NOT torture prisoners of war. Water boarding is torture. He has used his "patriot act" to violate the freedom of privacy. Warrantless seizure of personal phone records and conversations. He lied about going to war. He had lied about the existence of Weapons of mass destruction, inside Iraq. And in the 5 years we have been there, we have found no such weapons. He suspended habeus corpus for prisoners detained at Guantinamo Bay, Cuba. They are not recieving any trial. So who's to know if they are guilty of being these "terrorist killers" George Bush refers to.

I believe that what comes around goes around, Mr.Bush. And hopefully you and you're pal d**k Cheney will be thrown in jail for the crimes you have committed upon the American people.

To people who would defend this man, this man with the blood of 4,149 US soldiers. And possibly over a millio Iraqi's. What reasons can you POSSIBLY give, so that this man would be able to evade justice and not go to jail?




  1. Because there has been no credible evidence presented supporting such a charge.

    And you're wrong in your additional details... the person making the accusation needs to be prepared to back them up with evidence.  And, though I've heard this little rant before, I'm reminded of a line in the movie Camelot: "Repetition, Pelly, is not evidence."

    Edit... no, you have NOT backed anything up with facts.  And I think you meant "presumptions" when you wrote "conclusions".

    You made a lot of accusations.  You have provided no substantiation of criminal behavior.

    I will give you one thing... as I recall, there were elements of the Patriot act that were struck down as unconstitutional.  Once that was done, those aspects became illegal... but at that point, those aspects were stopped.

  2. Because he committed no silly question......

  3. He should be tried for war crimes, breach of the Geneva Convention and crimes against humanity.

    But I wouldn't want to be the poor sap that tries to arrest him.

  4. Thank God for George Bush and that we did not have that global warming clown for a president. Anyone who thinks Bush is a crimal is clearly not sane. I bet you think we never put a man on the moon, think there alians at area 51 and that MLK was a democrat.

  5. Because a bunch of clueless idiots ranting things that are not true is not enough to convict a man, or even bring him up on charges.

    If it were this place would be no better than Russia when the Bolshevik's revolted. I fear that if these fools revolted lead by Obama, it would become widely known as the Bull*stuff* revolution. That would be a good name for it, cause that's what it amounts to.

    You're a clown, and you have not the slightest grasp of law, the constitution, or even of reality in the world. Habius Corpus doesn't apply in prisoners of War situations, only to US citizens.

    The Geneva Conventions were followed, even though they didn't have to be because these terrorist fighters were not covered by it. They broke the Geneva Conventions and were illegal combatants, or War Criminals, who are strictly ommitted from coverage in the Geneva Conventions. It's pretty obvious that you've never read it, and that's what those idiots crying for prosecution counted on.

    No one in government is actually stupid enough to think they could prosecute anyone in the Bush Administration (well, there may have been a couple real morons that actually fell for it, democrats are not very choosy who they put in office and some of them are real door k***s). They used this hype to stir up their idiot sheep, and look! It obviously worked.

    Funny how some people get all stirred up by the Patriot Act, and they didn't even miss a beat when the Domestic Terrorism Bill was pushed through by Bill Clinton. That Bill targeted US citizens, and took more rights than the Patriot Act by a long shot. Funny, as it went, Bill Clinton ended up getting busted by his own Bill, because it allowed what's her name to tape Monkica Lewinski talking about an affair with Bill, which he later lied in court about and started smearing her and calling her trailer trash, leading to the turning in of the little blue dress with the Bill stain on it.

    Talk about someone getting away with crimes. Bill Clinton actually committed crimes and got away with them (aside from the perjury about Lewinski in his sexual harassment trial mentioned which he was never tried for criminally and should have been), because he so corrupted the justice system, and had FBI files he stole on republicans he was probably using as black male, and Larry Flint was obviously using some secret information afterwards to embarrass some of them. When the Nixon Administration employee took but 1 file all h**l broke loose in the media (liberal media) and that man was prosecuted and went to jail.

    Bill Clinton took illegal Chinese campaign contributions and then the DNC refused to turn in their contribution reports before the 96 election, as required by federal election law (the first time this had ever been done) to cover for it, and got away with it!

    Bill Clinton went around legal channels in the state department and department of defense, to sell China some of our most dangerous and sensitive military technology, including cruise missle and ICBM guidance tech. Now China can hit the US with a nuke, which they could not do previously. Bill used Ron Brown, secretary of commerce, to sign off on it when he didn't have the authority to do it, just to say someone signed off. later when Brown faced prosecution he threatened to take everyone down with him if Bill didn't help him out of it. He ended up dead, supposedly a plane crash, with a bullet hole in his head that wasn't allowed to be examined, nor autopsy done at all.

    There is much more, but obviously the questioner isn't really interested in facts or legalities, just in ranting what they have herd from others, without gathering facts themselves.

  6. Because you can't be tried in office, and if he were removed, d**k would be president. SCARY.

  7. I agree with you.  But work backwards.  For him to be tried he has to be impeached and then removed from office.  He can be impeached in the House of Representatives by a simple majority but to be convicted in the Senate requires more votes than the Democrats have, it would require some Republicans to vote against him too.

    The Republicans would never do that.  It would be political suicide.

    So if the Democrats impeached him, it would only look like a political vendetta.  The Republicans impeached Clinton, and Clinton's popularity rose to its highest in his entire presidency during the impeachment, and was never below 65% after that, about twice what Bush's is right now.

    But the consolation prize is that every day Bush stays in office he damages the GOP a little more.  The Democrats expect to pick up quite a few seats in both houses of Congress this year. For the first time since I can remember, the Democrats are actually pulling in more money than the Republicans, beating the Republicans at their own game.  And Obama is not quite the shoe-in he should be, but still has an excellent chance of taking the White House.  And who do the Republicans have to blame?  Nobody but Bush.

  8. How?

    Decode this lyrics " Say you say me"

    Look in the real world.

    With mirror on the wall?

    John 8.3-12

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Luke 21.30-33

    Matt 22.32

    What do you think?

  9. When Nancy Pelosi took office that was some of the grounds she put in her camp was to impeach Bush for his criminal wrong doing,then after their investigation she said there would be no impeachment for lack of criminal wrong doing. Either there was no criminal wrong doing or their all criminals covering for one and all.

  10. The UN has no leg to stand on, it was there (the UN's) rules that Iraq broke. even if there was no WMD. when Iraq surrendered to the US years ago. and was to be held to obey them but the UN did nothing, nor did the US until someone came on US soil and killed innocent people from all over the world (the world trade center).

    as for the Constitution I agree, but the president is only 1/3 of our system and the other 2/3 should get the hammer also.

    anyone that did not vote against this should be held accountable.

    Obama did not Vote agents the war on Iraq. he did not vote for it in fact he just did not vote at all. (Luke warm)

    what goes around comes around and that is what we did with Iraq they funded groups like the ones and even the ones that bombed the US.

    you are forgetting a lot of things one is there has not been another successful attack on the US after all the things he did.

    do i agree with what he did? No

    ,but if he did not do everything he could and there was another attack you would be the 1st to blame his lack of doing the vary things you are blaming him for now.

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