
Why shouldn't God exist?

by Guest34001  |  earlier

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  1. theres always more than two sides to a debate

    and im going to stretch myself and not argue back but instead think of an answer

    my first thought was so there would be less wars.. cos lets face it.. most wars are taken in the name of religion even if they are only using religion as a charade or taking religion out of context

    now ive thought about it i think it would also help to unite people. yes religion is about community and love. but there are so many religions. no religion would have everyone in one community

    this would lead to acceptance and tolerance and less racism and prejudice and everyone will be seen as equals when it comes to race and culture

    im finding this very difficult because now ive thought of 5reasons why god should exist..

    thanks for making me think =]

  2. Dear Friend,

    If God didn't exist... we "wouldn't" exist. Plain and simple!

  3. In the Indian philosophy, one of the ideas is that the very existence (as we know) is in fact a weakened or illusory manifestation of being. If God is supposed to be the Supreme Power and Truth, then God can only 'be', and can not 'exist' (the way we understand 'existence' which has a beginning, which undergoes change and which finally comes to an end).

  4. because this is how i speak and how i tell u all. this is my Singaporean international english. what's the h**l, yours' english sound similar with me too....that's so cool....!

  5. If there is God, then everything that exists is created by Him. Then God cannot be His own creation, and therefore He is above and beyond existence, or with a need to exist as something that exist.

  6. i trust god exist if you love him but humen very selfish want get every thing from god and remember him when in big problem when he get sucess in some work he think his hard work and not thanks god for that but when in trubel blame god when you undrestand you are not body you are soul is part of god then you no need to ask this question any one you can get your answer your self

  7. 'Shouldn't' is out of the question already. He does not exist, because SUCH a God cannot exist.

  8. You're not asking whether He does exist as some members take you to mean.

    You are not even asking a reason why He does (or does not) exist. Each to his own about the gender of God, by the way.

    It sounds to me as if someone has asked you (or you have asked yourself) for proof that God exists and the best answer you can come with is, "Well, why not?"

    That's the only reason I have ever been able to give for the existence of God and my faith in Him and to me it's the only complete answer. It's atheists that have a hard time of it because they feel have to prove his non-existence. Proving or disproving is an interesting philosophical exercise (wish I had time to go into it right now but I've got to go back to work) but analysing why people have faith in God - or any thing or ideal - rather misses the point, I think. The point is, that people need to believe in something outside of themselves no matter what form it takes.

    Existentialists say, "well, faith in a God is copping out on the responsibility that men should take for their own actions". Well, I would like to disagree with that but, as I say, I've got to fly now - the dishes (among other things) await me.

  9. even if there is no god.  it is only meant for our own good. so we have something to believe in and go on.

  10. I personally do not believe there is a god but i could be wrong.

    I just cannot believe such a person would allow all the evil that is going on in this world.

  11. because the minister of the god make us suffer. in two millenniums the church repress the human's cultural evolution. the pope was (is) a leader of one of the most great state in the world; he was a dictator.

    well, if God want it, he/she is so evil, and it's an oximor; if God don't want it, he/she isn't omnipotent, because he/she didn't do anything to improve world situation.

    if he/she don't know what is appening in the world, he/she isn't omniscient.

    if he/she can't interfere with human activity, isn't omnipotent, if he/she don't want interfere, he/she is evil.


    ps. sorry for my bad english, i'm italian!

  12. It's just so unlikely! That there should be a single conscious omnipotent thing like that running the Universe.

    Wherever we've seen complexity before it's either been designed or it has come about by slow incremental trial-and-error steps. Really it would make more sense to think of a race of Gods.

  13. It is for the same  reason as the answer to the question " Why should God exist?"

    Do YOU have any business with me? Do I have any business with you?  No . Yet , a strange medium like Yahoo!~ Answers linked us  for while . More by chance than by design. Extrapolating this beyond you , me , my country , yours ... and beyond..... can there be a link that links us all together?  Could be . Then what could those links be? Water . Air . Mountains . rivers . Forests. trees . Plants. animals. All these link us all. This link is God , if you like to name  it. It exists if you believe  in the links. It does not if you donot believe in the link.

  14. s/he does in hte pages of book s and on peopels lips - god should exist for those who wish to have a relationship with a god - any god.

    Gods shouldn't be peddled  or mixed with laws of the land - we should all be equal humans with each other and allowed to believe whatever gets us through the long nights.

  15. No logical reason to.

  16. I accept the existance of GOD, like i accept: Jesus, Isaia. Moses Mohammed..but the big question is :why G.W.Busch exist?

  17. famous quote dont know who said it

    good people do good things

    bad people do bad things

    but for good people to do evil things requires a god

  18. If god exists with us, the dogs will bite back on the god because god is dog and dog is god. that's my Reality XP! Right, indian for what u did just now 2 me? imao

  19. In Reality, should and should not, are equally irrellevant. Only "Is" and "Is not" matters.

  20. because we should take responsibility and credit for our actions and not rely on a higher force being in control of our lives.

  21. Very good question. Who said God shouldn't exist. Who and what is God should be the question. Why would any one doubt the possibility, but only of our dissatisfaction do we disregard the possibility of an infinitely powerful personality, but again this only unbounded conceptualization.

  22. The existence of a supernatural god would violate all the laws of physics that he supposedly created.  Cause and effect, conservation of mass and energy, even ordinary chemical processes go right out the window.

    And then there's that lack of evidence.

  23. I don't believe there is anything/one "running" the universe. I simply believe the higher power IS the universe. It/he/she/we/they are all.

  24. It's not why he shouldn't.

    It's why he doesn't.

  25. who said he didn't he should exist and theres no reson why he isint real

  26. Because its bad for the atmosphere.

  27. Maybe God has no desire or inclination to exist as God. Maybe he seeks simply to be an ordinary Joe, living in suburbia, mowing his lawn, raising his 2.4 kids, inviting friends and family to dinner once in a while and generally having little to worry about than arriving to work on time.

    Maybe the division of power, wherein one group have the wealth, another the reins of power, and a third sector of saffron or religious garbed individuals are assigned pastoral duties to the people. Maybe he has no desire to be second placed or servile, and would rather to his little brood be true.

    Maybe he wishes the atheists would apply a little more effort, assert greater intelligence to the eradication of the God concept if they hold the great one in such contempt. Maybe those who feign reverence and declare themselves followers are more loathed by him than those who deny him

    So many maybes, so many mood changes, such temperamental erratic behaviour and changeable fickle followers.

  28. He does!  I am living proof!

  29. There is no reason why he shouldn't.  That "he" DOESN'T is another matter.

  30. The wonderment of the Universe, look up at the stars, the sky the planets, how can anyone with any intelligence think this is random ?

           As I look at life under a microscope in a lab, the teeming life both human and other, how can one think it's random.?

  31. God DOES exist!

    1.The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.

    2.The human brain's complexity shows a higher intelligence behind it.

    3."Chance" or "natural causes" are insufficient explanations.

    4.To state with certainty that there is no God, a person has to ignore the passion of an enormously vast number of people who are convinced that there is a God.

    5.We know God exists because he pursues us. He is constantly initiating and seeking for us to come to him.

    6.Unlike any other revelation of God, Jesus Christ is the clearest, most specific picture of God pursuing us.

    If a person opposes even the possibility of there being a God, then any evidence can be rationalized or explained away. It is like if someone refuses to believe that people have walked on the moon, then no amount of information is going to change their thinking. Photographs of astronauts walking on the moon, interviews with the astronauts, moon rocks...all the evidence would be worthless, because the person has already concluded that people cannot go to the moon.

    You can believe what you want, but as for me, the awesomeness of this universe is proof enough for me. This world could not have just came into existence. Someone must have created it.

    I hope this helps.

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