
Why shouldn't I go after this Scorpio??

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Ive had a crush on this girl sence kindergarten...its after high school now.

I'll try and put things into my perspective...Ive got George cloony's looks, but Jack Blacks out of shape and ive been single my whole life.

Up to this point, she has already had a kid and gotten divorced, ...My best advice to ANYBODY in the world, is never waste time...I should have been ready and physically in shape to attract her by now...and now the divorce has come and i wasnt ready and ill beat myself up over it for the rest of my life.

I would throw everything away that surrounds me just to be with her. My posessions, my house, friends, family...

How can i win this scorpio over? she has a new boyfriend, but atleast shes not married this time!

Sun sign: Gemini

Moon: Capricorn

Ascending: Aries




  1. Get yourself together, little by little, and then really ask yourself if she's for you.

  2. Don't listen to Marie I dated a Gemini for 4 years and I am a Scorpio. That whole this sign is better for that sign is not always true.

  3. LOL You remind me of a Cap guy I met a few years ago. Your Cap moon comes across very obvious in your post. To be honest I ran from that guy. Just relax! I think the best advice I can give you is to NOT creep her out. Don't stalk her. Don't be overbearing. Act like you have a life. Let her breathe. Don't worry and don't analyze to much.

    Like someone else said: Get yourself and your life together. Don't think too much and just go for the girl you want.


    gemini and scorpio arnt good couple,

    they say there just about the worst couple,

    but i guess you have to look at her birth chart also,

    but from my opinion get in shape and find somone new,

    who dosent have bagege(kids , divored .w.e it is)

    just find somone desent and settle down with them.!

  5. It will never work.

    If you really want her you have to be confident in yourself

    confidence is a big turn on for Scorpios I know bc I am one.

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