
Why shouldn't I play the Ouija board?

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I will need a story along with your explanation. I think its just cardboard and plastic. And is it true that when you peal back the paper on a Ouija board there is a strange symbol that makes it work? And when was the first one made? And can a Ouija board really invite the devil into your house? Please answer, Flora R




  1. Ouija boards came into existence as a parlor game in the mid-1800's, when spiritism and channeling were at the height of fashion. The word "Ouija" is a blend of the French and German words for "yes." Adolphus Theodore Wagner first patented Ouija boards, sometimes referred to as "talking boards," in London, England on January 23, 1854. In the patent, Wagner called his invention a "psychograph" and its purpose was to read the minds of people with "nervous energy." By 1861, Frenchman, Allan Kardac, was describing the Ouija board as instruments with which to open communications with the spirit world. In seven short years, the Ouija board had evolved from a mind-reader to portal of communication with the dead.

    Ouija Boards are considered dangerous because the superstition is that Satan and his demons can use the Ouija board to give advice, or even to guide a person in a certain direction. This guidance will even seem to be true, good, and helpful. Satan and his demons pretend to be caring. They try to appear as something that appears harmless.  What you don't realize is that you are opening the door and inviting evil spirits into your life.

    Many years ago, me and some friends of mine got together and thought it would be fun to try using a Ouija Board.  For some reason, shortly after we started, myself and a few other friends got a very uncomfortable feeling and I swear I felt a terrible presence.  I stopped and left the room and so did my other friends.  Quite a few of us had felt the same thing - it really felt evil - and I have never gone near a Ouija Board since and I strongly suggest that you too stay away from it.  Personally, I don't believe the superstition surrounding the Ouija Board is just superstition and you know the old saying, where there's smoke, there's fire just might be true in this case.  Use a Ouija Board and you will be playing with fire.

  2. can you email me and tell me where you got it from cause ive been dieing to get one....


  3. There is no reason to not play the ouija board if you want to try it.  The ouija board is not dangerous and it does not invite the devil into your house.  They have been around for a very long time and have been found in one form or another in many cultures.   There is no starnge symbol that makes it work.  The minds of the users make it work.   The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.  

  4. Well I think you should play with it because it could leave you rejuvinated. Just make sure you know who you are trying to contact, or else you could be talking to some crazy spiritual demons or something.

  5. If you want to play it, take HOURS to learn how to, read real hunted by it, maybe gonna be killled by it but.........

    my and my friend drove to boston to go to a marena, it said we will see a boat name "galaleo", when we got to her sail boat, the next moring it said we will see elmo and oj and gave us a time where we will see the boat.....we saw a elmo poster nd a store FILLED with elmo, and had oj.........we forgot about the boat.....but at tht exact time.......we saw a kept spelling out zach zach zach......then we find out he lives in tht friend got to meeet him, and their parents met

    now my freind shawnee nd zach are goin out!

  6. Flora, its because they can prove to be a dangerous toy to play with.... Flora, I just want you to remember thihs when your plea's for help goes un-answered....  It was your Idea not to listen................

  7. The first witchboard appeared in Louisiana in the early 1700's. It was found by a woman that lived in a cabin next to a swamp, so the story was told. She would hear rattling sounds underneath her wooden floor at night. One night, she put on her glasses, and crawled under the cabin to the place where the strange noise lived, but found nothing.  Then the earth became very cold beneath her. She shoved her hands deep in the mud and felt around. Something hard slid in between her fingers, so she grabbed on to it and pulled it out. What she found was not a living creature, but a flat piece of muddy wood. When she rinsed it off, she noticed that it was covered with sloppy scratches. She said it looked like they were made by a giant fingernail. She examined the strange symbols and new that it was a language – old Latin. It had the Latin words “yes” and “no” on the top corners with the Latin alphabet below. In the center was a symbol that she didn’t know. She whispered to herself, “Where did this come from?” and that’s when things became strange. The table where the board rested became very cold and one of the lady’s eye glass lenses popped out of the frame and landed on the board. It landed on the strange symbol that she didn’t know. When she tried to reach for her lens, it slid away from her fingers, so the conversation began.

  8. i played with one once and the devil came to my house and shoved a pineapple up my as*  so don't do it  

  9. iv'e had one before and a demon possesed my sisters room and choked my grandmother wile she was sleeping.

    its a portal to h**l made by hasbro.

    dont throw it away, burn it in holy fire (holy water with fire and bless your house) that isn't a toy to mess around with

  10. The only danger that will come from playing with a Ouija Board is if you throw the plastic piece at someone, beat them with the board, or get a paper cut from the cardboard. They are as life-threatening as a box of Captain Crunch.

    The company also sells Monopoly, you really think they would be able to sell this product without getting sued if it really had the ability to harm people? They are being sold because there is no harm.

    The Ouija Board is associated with evil due to the fact that it was a tool used in divination. The Bible clearly states that to perform divination, is wrong:

    "When you come into the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you, you shall not learn to imitate the abominations of the peoples there. Let there not be found among you anyone who immolates his son or daughter in the fire, nor a fortune-teller, soothsayer, charmer, diviner, or caster of spells, nor one who consults ghosts and spirits or seeks oracles from the dead. Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the LORD, and because of such abominations the LORD, your God, is driving these nations out of your way." -- Deuteronomy 18:9 - 18:13

    Overall, there is no danger in the Ouija Board, unless you are a Christian. The Ouija Board is fueled by the Ideomotor Effect, nothing supernatural in any form whatsoever.

  11. Ouija board's work because you have multiple people each expecting a particular outcome. The letters are essentially random at first, but because everyone wants them to spell out words, they will guide the lens in that direction.

    Try this: get everyone who is using the board to close their eyes or blindfold them. Get another person to watch, and when the group feels that the lens has settled over a letter, that person records it.

    If the principal of the board works (supernatural forces guide it) then you should still get intelligible words. If you get nonsense, this should show you that its just cardboard and interpersonal interaction.

  12. You should not play with anything that spews evil. A friend of mine played with one when we were in Boarding School and she called upon a bad spirit and it did not leave her for months. It terrorized her every where she went and her Parents had to call a Priest because she ended up getting real sick and had bluish/greenish print marks/bruises all over her body from the bad spirit touching her. One of our class mates finally told the truth about what they were doing and the Priest had to cast the spirit away once and for all. She remained in the Hospital for weeks not eating or sleeping afraid and paranoid constantly. Now thank God she's back to ''normal'' again and vows never again to play with this evil game.

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