
Why shouldn't Palin have to answer for dragging her daughter onto an international stage?

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I cannot imagine doing that to my child were we in that situation.




  1. If she "loves" her daughter, and does that to her, what will she do to the rest of the country? She doesn't know the rest of us.  With a friend like her, we don't need any enemies.

    OBAMA IN 08 !!!!!

  2. I think Obama should answer for dragging his kids to a racist church.  

  3. She's a  minor that's why and she has rights.  

  4. WTF? It's not Sarah Palin doing it.

    The shameless, corrupt, liberal scum bags in the media are dragging Sarah's daughter through the mud.

    Go for it, you scum bags!

  5. Yes, but you ACTUALLY have family values, unlike her who claims it.  

  6. / "ACTUALLY having family values" is letting the fetus survive and be given life, not taking the easy way out with abotion.

    Palin is tough and will show you what she's made of, when she debates Biden.

    Like Obama's unwed mother (who conceived him at age 17), I applaud her daughter.

  7. I guess I am a liberal scum bag according to some of these people.  But, the point is, her dragging her daughter into the limelight or even that fact that her daughter is pregnant should not be why you are not voting for her.  If you choose not to vote for her, it should be because she is a radical conservative, and is unqualified for the position of President should something happen to John McCain.

  8. That's why I will never vet you to be my Vice President.

  9. She didn't but your slimy wormy kind did.....

  10. Palin wanted to take s*x out of the classroom...alas her daughter is pregnant what is sad is the girl is underage and she is being swept into marriage, if she were anyone else or in love with a black kid it would be classified as rape. She is a mere child getting married to probably her first boyfriend. Shame on them all.

  11. I have no problem with her daughter's teenage antics that is just what teens sometimes do, but that annoying voice of Palin's no way can I listen to that for the next 4 years.

  12. Political power before family.

  13. The Democrats are the ones who did they, if she had an abortion, she would be cheered from the rafters.

  14. WHy shouldn't Obama?

    He has two young kids.  Their lives will be forever changed by his selfish run for president.  

    You are being ignorant.

  15. She had no choice but to announce this publically, there were democrats who were posting untrue things about her daughter and about their family.

    Take your leader (Obama the Great's) advice, back off and respect her privacy.

  16. Palin made this our business when she and her "morals" chose to run for representation of our country by attempting to serve as VP.

    If she can't take the heat, then she needs to get outta the kitchen.

  17. She didn't You liberals did

  18. What I fail to understand is that she goes up there with a 5 month pregnant 17 year old, but the republicans are angry because the thinkers in this nation are sayin WTF? Whatever happen to the family values that were so popular in 2004? Did she not get the memo? her daughter is still a child until 18. Who your child associates with IS Sarah Palin's responsibilty.

    I personally won't go after her daughter, but I will go after the daughter's mother Sarah Palin who is against s*x education in schools, but her daughter comes home with proof that the abstinence tactic is not working. I am questioning Sarah Palin's judgement on such a simple issue. s*x education to the curious youth of America.

  19. because the liberal jackals would have pulled her on the stage kicking and screaming.

  20. She did not drag Bristol into this, the Liberal Media did.

    Obama and Biden have both denounced this smear campaign. I'm not voting for Obama but I thought that was a classy thing to do.

  21. you guys came out with the pregnancy story before she did. or cant you read? yahoo is full of this for 3 days now. also dragging her downs daughter into the mix saying it was bristols.

    you obamabots should be ashamed of yourselves.

    watch that, thats obama saying he is sick of the stuff you are doing, he said he is ready to switch to republican and support mccain.

    watch it and see! this was just released 10 minutes ago.

  22. What is so sad is that the fact that she came clean on the issue still isn't enough.  Let's drag her completely under and see if we can't call her everything in the book along the way.  "Each year, almost 750,000 teenage women aged 15–19 become pregnant."  How many other teens are having s*x and luck out?  Give me a break.  

    Oh I forgot, she had to because of the c**p story put out about Trig being Bristol's.

  23. And what do you think would happen to her daughter if she knew her mother passed up the opportunity to be vice-President of the United States because of her mistake. She'd carry that regret with her to her grave. The daughter will see first-hand what a strong woman can do in her mother.

  24. She knew her daughter was pregnant when she agreed to be the vp pick so she should accept the brutality of the media.

  25. She didn't.

    Democrats did.

    And still are apparently based on your question.

  26. why would obama?  now his girls will know he has no problem with terrorists.

  27. I think she should have to answer.  Everyone else has to answer.  Why is she supposed to be off limits.  The repubs have really been sticking it to Obama.  

    Palin knew that it would adversely effect her family and she chose to do it anyway.   She knew what it would be like. I do feel sorry for her family, but she decided to run for vp she knew well the consequences. She needs to be a big girl, so the repubs need to let her stand on her own two feet.  

    If it gets too hot, then she knows what to do.

  28. Democrats posting UNTRUE things about her AND her family? BS While I do not agree with how she is dealing with her teenage daughters pregnancy by putting her on BLAST to the whole world...Don't point fingers as to where the FACTS came from. Look who's talking. When you take the position Palin has by representing her STATE and now wanting to represent the US as our VP, EXCUSE me but if your closet is full of BONES...PLS don't run for office b/c PEOPLE will check up on you. PERIOD That's life. We THE PUBLIC have EVERY RIGHT to know what kind of woman/man we are voting for and if we have to dissect your life to find the truth.......SO BE IT! You REPUBLICANS STILL do it by posting BS and lies about OBAMA....HELLO!! Quit whining about little $hit....The next 4 years are more important than the fact the little girl is pregnant. Her mother would like to assist in running this country. I'm sorry but.....thanks but no thanks.


  29. Because Obama said to lay off the family didn't you get the email.

    People like you are the ones who did that.

  30. Answer to who for what?  You assume so much. You assume the daughter was there unwillingly.   Plus, it was the daughter who put herself in the role of pregnant teen, not her mother. Should mothers not pursue their careers, because their daughters made a relationship mistake?  Finally, it's not like those she cares about would never know. Everyone in her town, family and friends would eventually have known, who cares if 200 million strangers know.  

  31. Bill and Hillary brought Horseface into the spotlight

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