
Why shouldn't polygamy between adults be legalized?

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Is it just more closed minded ultra conservative discrimination by people who think they own the license to morality?

Why shouldn't ADULTS be able to chose to marry whomever they want?




  1. Because it is immoral, that's why.

    If we don't stand by our morals and belief-systems there would be nothing but anarchy in our world.

    So you can say thanks to all the Mother Grundy's out there!

  2. Don't be an idiot. Why complicate divorce anymore than it already is?

    Lets all run around naked on the streets with our underwear on or heads, those whacko conservatives will ruin our fun....@ssholes.

  3. some aren't adults.  Many young girls have been sexually assaulted in polygamy compounds.  Girls as young as eleven have had to be married.  Most of the time they are not just adults.

  4. And women get complaints that they file for divorce most now.      Can you imagine the divorce actions then?    

    I would not do it.  I don't share well emotionally.   And I don't share well space wise.   If I remarry I will even get a master bedroom with TWO bathrooms.

  5. I personally don't think polygamy is an institution that has no harmed individuals.  Wether it is one wife with multiple husbands or one husband with multiple wives, there are always individuals in the marriage that are not receiving to the fullest that which they should receive in a relationship.  Its not about religion but about how the individuals are treated.  When there is one wife, for example, is it fair to have the husbands share one woman and split her time, love, s*x, and caring amongst multiple partners?  No, each of the husbands would not be receiving full time, love, s*x, or caring.  He is not in a full relationship and personally I think that is harmful.

    It is not my "religion" that makes me dislike polygamy, it is what this form of marriage does to the individuals with in it that I dislike.

    But in addition to that, it would just become a social nightmare if this became a more common practice.  How would taxes be split?  What about divorce?  How will properties be divided or children cared for etc.

  6. Marriage, defined as a union between a man and a woman, has worked for humanity for thousands of years and in many different cultures. The couple has been the foundation for the vary basic societal unit that is a family. And family is still the basic building block of society.

    This way in which societies are constructed isn't something that was imposed by a moralistic elite, but something that has evolved with, and been a part of humanity for thousands of years.

    As humanity and society evolve and change, the definition and characteristics of marriage and family evolve and change too. The vary basic foundations of society can and do evolve.  An example of this is g*y marriage. (Something that I am completely for by the way).

    Back to the question, I think there are two main reasons why poligamy is not legal. First, legalizing poligamy would not be a mere change in the law. It would imply a recognition of a profound change in the vary basic constitution of society. A change that is probably still not here. Second, there are number of legal issues that would make it complicated, such as property and guardianship rights and divorce laws.

    I think poligamy shouldn't be legal (yet?) simply because current society is not built to accomodate it.

  7. My problems with polygamy is what happens if/when they separate? Who gets the house? The car? The kids? The furniture? How do we split taxes?

    It's a social nightmare. It's asking for an even more complicated system than the one we have.

    Other than that, I couldn't care less about someone else's personal life. If they're consenting adults let them be.

  8. If a man or a woman wants to marry multiple partners it should be his/her choice.  As long as all parties are aware of it, it's not hurting anyone.  It's the same with the g*y marriage thing.  Who the h**l should have the right to dictate who he/she chooses to marry???

  9. Is because property, I guess, and the rights over daughters, sons an all that history.

  10. No reason.  It's usually moralist wackos that think they should be in charge of other people's lives who don't want it to be legal.

  11. Its confusing for kids, and just seems to go against nature. Though I suppose consenting adults can do what they want privately it should not be legal.

  12. I agree with your premise that consenting adults should be able to choose their style of marriage.  And as we are SUPPOSED to have separation of Church and State, the religious reasons should have no bearing.

    I don't, however, believe that children should be brought into this kind of arrangement.  The lifestyle could be harmful to their psyche - potentially - and we need to protect children at all costs.  But sadly, we cannot legislate procreation - so I guess I would not be able to support the legal union of polygamy...

  13. theres no reason. its just christian "morality" that has made most of the world adopt monogamy as the norm

  14. It should be allowed and it is another bastion of the morality squad trying to impose their solipistic view of the world on everyone around them.

    EDIT: to address timmi's view that it's against nature... if that's the case then how come polygamy (often under the monikers of "adultery," "bigamy" and "infideltiy") has existed for as long as people have been around?  I think that it's perfectly natural for some people; not all, and it probably isn't the norm, but some people are absolutely drawn towards a committed relationship with multiple partners.

  15. As long as marriages between two people can legally be required to remain between two people, I have no real issue with consenting adults marrying multiple partners.

    I however, do not share well, and would like to make sure that how *I* choose to live my life remains protected.  Beyond that, polygamy hardly affects me, so why not.

    Edit: Polygamy is legal in other parts of the world with no one "running around naked with underwear on their heads."  What is such a big deal with it's legal status in North America?

  16. There are a number of places in the world where polygamy is legal.

    There is biblical precedent for polygamy.

    As I understand it, in Islam a man may have up to 4 wives,

    *** if he treats them all equally(!) ***

    That, I think, is the practical limitation to polygamy.

    Why would an open-minded liberal-thinking person much care about licensed morality?  What do you need a license for?

  17. To each their own. I think that  what any two or more people want do do is up to them.

    I no a guy who is legally bound to two girls. they all live in the same house and sleep in the same bed.

    They also own the house together.

    different strokes for different folks.    Besides let them all get married...They have the right to be just as miserable as the rest of us married people

  18. You aren't just arguing for polygamy - you are also arguing for a complete change in government where a huge body of law and custom are thrown out. There are many laws based on limiting your freedom to protect society, not just marriage laws.

    Most of us aren't willing to give you total freedom with a total lack of responsibility for your actions. You may not hurt anyone by your direct actions, but you can't be so shortsighted as to think your actions have no repercussions.

    If you take 4 wives, 3 other men get no wife. I'm sure you don't care - unless you turn out to be one of the excess men.

  19. No reason, it SHOULD be legalized. No consenting adults should be kept from making themselves as miserable as they choose.

    If a man wants to take on twice the nagging, twice the bitching, and twice the complaining, he should be free to do so.

    If a woman wants to take on twice the clothes on the floor, twice the grocery bill, and twice the bar tab, she should be free to do so.

  20. if it can also happen btw one woman and several men then i am fine with it. Some rules will apply:

    1. No welfare for anyone with more than 6 children

    2. The households will be open to monitoring for abuse like all other households ie no closed compounds etc

    3. No underage marriages

    4. All participants must have at least completed highschool

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